Page 59, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
All check s and setting work should
therefore be left to a workshop. We
recom mend your Vauxhall App rov ed
Repairer which has suitab le equipment
and trained personnel a vailable. Electronic
testing system s perm it rapid diagnosis and
rem edying of fa ults.
You are thereby m aking an imp ortant
contrib ution towards keeping the air clean
and compliance with emissions legislation.
Check ing and adjustm ent of the mixture
forma tion system and ignition system
forms pa rt of the Service Pla n. For this
reason you should have all m aintenance
work carried out at the interv als sp ecified in
your Serv ice Booklet.