Page 77, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Opel Austria Vertrieb Gm bH
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Tel. 01-2 88 77 444 or 01-2 88 770
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Prins Boudewijnlaa n 30
2550 Kontich – Belgium
Tel. 03-4 50 63 11
Opel C & S spol. s.r.o.
Na Pank ráci 26
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Tel. 02-61 21-88 21
General Motors Da nm ark
Jaegersbog Alle 4
2920 Charlottenlund – Denmark
Tel. 39 57 85 00
Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
Customer Care
Griffin H ouse, Osborne Road
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3YT – Eng land
Tel. 0 15 82-42 72 00
General Motors Finland Oy
Pajuniityntie 5
00320 Helsinki – Finland
Tel. Helsinki 61 58 81
General Motors France
1 - 9, av enue d u Marais
Angle Quai de Bezons
95101 Ar genteuil Cedex – Franc e
Tel. 1-34 26 30 00
Bahnhofsp la tz 1
65423 Rüsselsheim – Germ any
Tel. 0 61 42-77 50 00 or 0 61 42-7 70
General Motors Hellas S.A.
56 Kifisias Avenue & Delfon str.
Am arousion
151 25 Athens – Greece
Tel. 1-6 80 65 01
Opel Southeast Europe Ltd .
Szabad sag utc a 117
2040 Buda örs – Hungary
Tel. 06-23 446 100
General Motors India
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Glob al Business Park
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Tel. 0091 124 280 3333
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Opel House, Unit 60, Heather Road
Sandyford, Dublin 18 – Ireland
Tel. 01-216 10 00
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Piaz zale dell'Industria 40
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Tel. 06-5 46 51
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- contact
Opel Service Department in
Kontich - Belgium
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Lage Mosten 49 -63
4822 N K Breda – Netherlands
Tel. 0 76-5 44 88 00
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Kjeller-Vest 6
2027 Kjeller – Norw ay
Tel. 23 50 01 04
General Motors Poland Sp. z o. o.
Domaniewsk a 41
06- 672 Wa rsa w – Pola nd
Tel. 0 22-606 17 00
Opel Portugal
Quinta da Fonte
Ed. Fernão Ma galhã es, Piso 2
Porto Salvo
2780 Oeira s – Por tugal
Tel. 01-4 40 75 00
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Paseo de la Castellana, 91
28046 Madrid – Sp ain
Tel. 902 25 00 25
Saab Opel Sverig e AB
Esboga ta n 8
164 74 Kista – Sw eden
Tel. 08-632 85 00
General Motors Suisse S.A.
Salzhausstra ße 21
2501 Biel/Bienne – S witzerland
Tel. 0848 810 820 or 0 32-3 21 51 11
Opel Türkiye Ltd. Sti.
Kemalp asa yolu üzeri
35861 Torb ali/Izmir – Turkey
Tel. 02 32-8 53-14 53
A lbania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulg aria,
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and Yugosla via
please contact the Opel
Service Department in Budaörs – H ungary.
Tel. 00 36-23 446 100