Page 52, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Saving fuel
Energy-conscious driving
High fuel consumption is often a result of
failing to d riv e in an energy-conscious
You should therefore drive with energy in
mind - “more miles with less fuel”.
Fuel consumption dep ends to a great
extent on your own persona l driving
style. The following hints will help you to
achieve fuel consum ption a s c lose as
possible to the specified lev els.
Check your vehicle's fuel consumption
every time you fill up. In this way you will
be a ble at an early stag e to d etec t any
irregularities causing increased
Warming up
Driving at full throttle or idling while the
eng ine is still cold inc reases engine w ear
and fuel consumption.
Drive away immediately after starting .
Engine speed should b e m od erate until
the engine has reached operating
Uniform speed
Hectic driving significantly increases fuel
consump tion.
Do not accelerate and brak e
Drive as often as possible in top gear.
In m any cases you ca n shift into
fourth g ear at speeds as low a s 30 mph
(50 k m/h) in urban traffic.
In fourth gear fuel consumption in the
30 to 50 mp h (50 to 80 km/h) range is
around 25 % low er than in third gear.
In the 45 to 55 mph (70 to 90 km /h)
range, fuel consum ption in fifth gear is
roughly 15 % lower than in fourth g ear.
Select the next higher gear as soon as
possible, and only change d ow n when
the engine is no longer running perfectly
The eng ine also consumes fuel when
idling .
If you have to wait for more than one
minute, it is worthwhile switching off the
engine. Fiv e m inutes of idling
corresponds to ap prox. 0.6 miles (one
kilometre) of driving.
The fuel supply is automatically shut off
during ov errun, e.g. when the vehicle is
being d riv en down long grad ients or
during braking.
To enable the overrun cut-off to come
into a ction a nd sav e fuel, do not
accelerate or declutch during overrun.
Correct gear selection
High revs increa se engine wear and fuel
Do not race your engine. Driving too fast
in ind iv idual gea rs or driv e ranges
increases engine wea r and fuel
Making use of the tachometer helps to
sav e fuel: If possible, driv e in each gear
in the low engine speed range (between
approx. 2000 a nd 3000 rpm) and
maintain a steady vehic le speed.