Page 19, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Record s the total dista nce driven.
Trip od ometer
Pressing the reset button - loca ted on the
right hand side of the steering column
shroud - for less tha n one second, will zero
the setting. This button also controls the
brightness of the instrument illumination.
Further information, see page 41.
Coolant tem perature gaug e
The coolant tempera ture is displayed in the
bottom rig ht hand corner of the display a s
soon as the coolant temperature reaches
70 °C.
For physical rea sons, the gauge shows the
coolant temperature only if the coola nt
level is adeq ua te.
During operation the system is pressurized.
The temperature m ay therefore rise to over
100 °C.
The display will flash a t temperatures of
over 110 °C, however, it is only if the
temperature exceeds 123 ° C that the
temperature is too high. Stop vehicle,
switch off eng ine. Danger to engine.
Check coolant level immediately. See
page 81.