TX6000 Series Operation Manual Ver1.4
Sweep test point setup (sweep point)
Selection of limit parameter (LMT)
High/low limit (HIGH, LOW)
Mode menu is the same as the mode on <List sweep display> page.
Test parameter
Sweep parameters can be: frequency [Hz], level [V], level [I], bias [V], bias
[I]. TX6000 provides double sweep parameters. The two parameters must be
different and set values.
Operation steps for setting test parameter
Move the cursor the line following MODE; the following soft keys will be
Press one of above soft keys to select the list sweep parameter.
Sweep parameter setup
Move the cursor to the table to perform the setup of each sweep parameter:
FREQ (HZ), LMT, HIGH and LOW. Use numeric keys on the front panel to input
the data of test frequency/level/bias and high/low limit used to compare, as well
as the selected primary/secondary use to compare. After setting, if some inputs
are unnecessary, you can execute the function of “Delete line” in the soft key zone
to delete the corresponding value.
In the bottom of the LMT zone, parameter A indicates that the primary
parameters of the measurement result are use to compare with the high and low
limits of the table. Parameter B indicates that the secondary parameters of the
measurement result are used to compare with the high and low limits of the table.
“---“ means no compare. The soft key zone has corresponding items. Press the
soft key LMT DATA A, “A” will be displayed in the LMT zone. When press the soft
key LMT DATA B, “B” will be displayed in the LMT zone. While press the soft key
OFF, data in LMT zone and the corresponding high and low limits will be cleared
and be displayed as “---”.