TX6000 Series Operation Manual Ver1.4
return format will report errors.
Query syntax: CORRection:SPOT<n>:FREQuency?
Return format: <NR3><NL^END>
The CORRection:SPOT<n>:OPEN command is used to execute open correction
for specific correction point.
Command syntax: CORRection:SPOT<n>:OPEN
<n>: 1-201
For example: WrtCmd (“CORR:SPOT1:OPEN”) Execute open correction for
correction point 1.
The CORRection:SPOT<n>:SHORt command is used to execute short correction
for specific correction point.
Command syntax: CORRection:SPOT<n>:SHORt
For example: WrtCmd (“CORR:SPOT1:SHOR”) Execute short correction for
correction point 1.
The CORRection:SPOT<n>:LOAD:STANdard command is used to set the
standard reference of specific correction point which are taking load correction.
The CORRection:SPOT<n>:LOAD:STANdard query returns the current standard
reference of specific correction point.
Command syntax: CORRection:SPOT<n>:LOAD:STANdard <REF. A><REF. B>
<REF. A> can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format and taken as the standard
reference of the primary parameter.
<REF. B> can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format and taken as the standard
reference of the secondary parameter.
For example: WrtCmd (“CORR:SPOT1:LOAD:STAN 100.7, 0.0002”)
Query syntax: CORRection:SPOT<n>:LOAD:STANdard?
Return format: <NR3><NL^END>