Making Life Easier
Different Ways to Turn the Computer On
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Different Ways to Turn the Computer On
So far you’ve turned your computer on by pressing the power but-
ton. Now it’s time to learn some new tricks. This section explains
how to:
set the computer to turn on automatically at a time and option-
ally a date you choose (the Alarm Power On option). This
option is helpful if you are expecting to receive files by modem
and want to do the transfer at night, when the rates are cheaper.
You can set the computer to turn on and receive the files while
you are asleep.
turn the computer on and off by opening and closing the dis-
play panel (the Panel Power On/Off option). This option not
only makes it easier to turn the computer’s power on, but
makes it impossible to close the display panel while the com-
puter is on. This option is only available if you turn Resume
Mode on.
turn the computer on whenever it detects an incoming call
through the internal serial modem.
If the Alarm Power On option starts the computer in Resume
Mode, and you have a password registered, the computer turns on
with the instant password function enabled. Although the pass-
word message is not displayed, you must enter your password to
use the computer.
You can set these options with TSETUP or through the Toshiba
System Control Panel. This section shows you how to change the
options using the Toshiba System Control Panel. For information
on using TSETUP, refer to “TSETUP” on page 427.
Follow these steps:
1 Click Start, then point to Settings.
2 Click Control Panel.
Windows 95 opens the Control Panel.
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