The Wide World
of Multimedia
The term multimedia refers to the presentation of ideas using a
combination of text, graphics, sound, animation, or video. A mul-
timedia title is the collection of media elements intended to be
viewed (or experienced) together. You may purchase a multime-
dia title on compact disc or access one over the Internet.
Unlike television programs or audio tapes, multimedia titles allow
you to interact with the information by choosing what to view or
listen to and when to see it or hear it.
The Tecra 500CDT computer has everything you need to enjoy
multimedia: a CD-ROM drive, a high-speed Pentium processor, a
color display, and advanced sound capabilities.
The Tecra 500CS comes with the same capabilities as the
Tecra 500CDT except for the CD-ROM drive. To enjoy multime-
dia on a Tecra 500CS computer, you need to purchase an optional
CD-ROM drive module and follow the instructions in “Swapping
Drives in the SelectBay” on page 115.
000-book.bk : 07-media.fm5 Page 167 Wednesday, May 15, 1996 3:50 PM