Built-in Features
Part III: Appendixes
Standard Hardware
16MB, 3.3 volt, 64 bit bus EDO DRAM
The Tecra 500CS has a 12.1 inch (measured diag-
onally) Dual Scan Twisted Nematic color LCD
that displays up to 64K colors simultaneously at
800 x 600 resolution.
The Tecra 500CDT has an 12.1 inch (measured
diagonally) active matrix Thin Film Transistor
(TFT) color LCD that displays up to 16M colors
simultaneously at 800 x 600 resolution.
integrated 28.8 Kbps V.34 data/v.17 modem/fax
integrated speaker phone and answering machine
capabilities through Multimedia Connect software
The data modem supports the following protocols:
Bell-103/212A, CCIT-V.21/V.22, CCIT-V.23,
CCIT-V.22bis, CCIT-V.32, CCIT-V.32bis,
CCIT-V.32 terbo, CCIT-V.34, MicroCom Net-
work Protocol (MNP) classes 1-4, MNP class 5
for up to 2x data compression, CCIT-V.42bis for
up to 4x data compression
The fax modem supports the following protocols:
V.21 ch2, V.27ter, V.29, V.17, Fax Class 1, Class1
enhanced 82-key (84-key in Europe) keyboard
emulates the IBM PS/2 keyboard and includes
embedded numeric and cursor control overlays
and dedicated cursor control keys
80-spec.fm5 Page 472 Thursday, May 16, 1996 8:51 AM