Making Life Easier
Saving Time with Multiple Configurations
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
Perhaps you always power the computer through the Desk Station
at work, while you use the power cord at home. In both places you
have no need for the battery save options because you’re not using
the battery. When you travel, however, you want to take advan-
tage of the computer’s battery saving features. A quick change of
the configuration by clicking the travel button prepares the system
for the road.
Managing Configurations
To access the configuration options, follow these steps:
1 Click the Options button at the lower end of the Toshiba
Access Panel.
A bar of options slides out.
2 Click the Configuration Management button on the slider
The panel opens the Configuration Management dialog box.
Configuration Management dialog box
3 To modify an existing configuration, click its button, then
click Properties.
4 To remove an existing configuration, click its button, then
click Remove.
5 To create a new configuration, click one of the unused con-
figuration buttons, then click Enable.
6 To reorder a button on the slider bar, select the button and
click Move Right or Move Left.
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