If Something Goes Wrong…
Problems that are Easy to Fix
Part I: Getting To Know Your Computer
To record the details:
1 Click the Details button and select the text Windows 95
The Details button displays information that the software man-
ufacturer needs to help you solve your problem.
2 Type
to copy the text to the clipboard.
3 Open Notepad (click the Start button, point to Programs,
then point to Accessories and click Notepad).
4 Type
to paste the details into Notepad.
5 Add a paragraph break and type some notes describing
what you were doing when you received the message.
6 Save the file and refer to it when you contact the software
You receive a “Non-System Disk” error message
A disk is in the diskette drive while the computer is starting Win-
dows 95. Remove the diskette from the drive and press any key to
You open a program that immediately stops responding
If CPU sleep mode is on (enabled), it may stop a program from
responding. Close the program you are trying to open and turn off
(disable) sleep mode. Then, try to run the program again.
To close the program:
1 Type
The Close Program dialog box appears, listing all the pro-
grams and processes currently in operation. If the program has
stopped responding, the words “not responding” appear beside
2 Click End Task, then click Cancel.
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