TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
For example, connect AO1 with a voltage meter (range: 0~5V) to indicate
operating frequency, and the range of operating frequency is 0~50Hz (Maximum
frequency=50Hz), then F8.00=0(=frequency), F8.02=0(=0V), F8.03=0(0Hz),
F8.04=50%(=5V), F8.05=100%(=50Hz).
AO1 Output signal
Minimum value
Corresponding to the
minimum value
Maximum value
Corresponding to the
Fig. 6-28 Relationship between maximum/minimum AO1 and F8.00
P8.06 Minimum AO2
Setting range:0.00
P8.07 Minimum value corresponding to F8.06
Setting range:0.00
P8.08 Maximum AO2
Setting range:0.00
P8.09 Maximum value corresponding to F8.08 Setting range:0.00
For more information about P8.02
P8.05, refer to Fig. 6-27 and 6-28. AO2
can output voltage or current signal. To output 4~20mA signal, P8.06 should be set
to 20% except that S2(AO2) is in “I” position.
P9 Program operating parameters
P9 parameter group is function code of programming operation.
Both programming operation and multi-frequency operation are used for
realizing the inverter's variable speed running according to certain regulations.