TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
By combination of the ON/OFF state of Acc/Dec time terminals, user can
select Acc/ Dec time 1~4, refer to parameter P0.16,P0.17 and
P2.00~P2.05 for more details. If this function is not defined, Acc/Dec
time 1 will be the default setting except in simple PLC operation mode.
12~13: Normally open terminal for external fault
Fault signal of external equipment can be input via the terminal, which is
convenient for the drive to monitor the fault of external equipment. Once
the drive receives the fault signal, it will display “Er11”. During normal
stop process, this function is disabled. The fault signal has two input
modes, i.e. normally open and normally close.
14~15: Frequency increase/decease command
The running frequency can be set through external terminals, thus the
running frequency can be set remotely. At this time, P0.03 can be set to 2
or 3. When the terminal is ON, the frequency setting value is increased or
decreased at the rate defined by P6.01; when the terminal is OFF,
frequency setting value keeps constant. When these two terminals are ON
at the same time, frequency setting value also keeps constant. Please refer
to P0.03 parameters description.
16: Free run to stop terminal (FRS)
When the function terminal is ON, inverter stops output immediately and
enter stopping state, the motor enters free run to stop state.
10 17: Three-wire control
If F6.00=2 or 3, this terminal is defined as three-wire control terminal
when three-wire control mode is selected. If If F6.00=2 or 3, and none of
X1~X7 is defined as three-wire control terminal, the inverter will report
parameter setting fault ERR4. In this case, user should define “three-wire
control terminal” first, and then define “three-wire control mode”
(P6.00=2 or 3).
11. 18: Switching input signal
If analog setting mode is selected, (P0.09=4 5 or 6), this function is used
to switch reference channel.