TMP High Performance Vector Control Inverter User Manual
If this terminal is OFF, reference signal is decided by settings of panel
potentiometer (P0.09=4 5 OR 6 )
If this terminal is ON, reference signal is decided by settings of VS2.
12. 20: Start traverse operation
If the traverse operation is set to manual start, then traverse function is
enabled if this function is selected. Refer to Pb parameter group for
13. 22: DC braking command
When the inverter is in Dec-to-stop process, and the running frequency is
lower than initial frequency of DC injection braking defined in P1.06, this
function is enabled. When the terminal is ON, DC injection braking is
performed under braking voltage defined in P1.08. DC injection braking
is ended only when the terminal is OFF.
When this function is enabled, parameters of DC injection braking time
are invalid.
14. 23: Acc/Dec disabled command
When the terminal is ON, the inverter temporarily inhibits executing the
Acc/Dec command and runs at current frequency. When the terminal is
OFF, normal Acc/Dec commands can be executed. If there is any control
signal with higher priority input such as external fault signal, the inverter
will exit Acc/Dec inhibit state immediately and execute specified
processing procedures.
15. 24: Switch between panel control mode and external terminal control
This function is used for selecting the physics channel that inputs
inverter’s running control command: Selecting between keypad and
external terminal to input control commands.
Commands input via external terminals include FWD, REV, JOGF, JOGR,
This function is used in conjunction with ON/OFF state and the setting
value of P0.01.