Protection Limit Menu
As previously mentioned, each Monitor Output employs limiters to keep the outputs
from distorting when large amounts of EQ are applied which is often necessary
during calibration.
The “Bass Limiter Threshold” sets the point at which the bass limiters engage,
especially useful when pushing large amounts of bass through smaller speakers.
The “Coupled” control moves both the right and left controls simultaneously.
The “Limiter Threshold” sets the threshold of the final protection limiters in each
Monitor Output. They too have a “Coupled” control.
Loudness Menu
The audio monitoring tools in 9sg also include a loudness curve adjustment. These
controls (much like the “Volume-Based High Pass Filter” mentioned earlier) can
compensate for monitoring systems with an uneven frequency response that varies
based on the volume. There are 6 bands of control available (displayed in groups of
2) and all function identically.
The “Volume” control functions identically to the other monitor volume controls
located throughout the interface and is coupled to those controls.
The “Loudness” button enables or disables these loudness controls.