This menu allows a full backup and restore of the 9sg configuration. Although an
update will normally not affect the unit’s configuration, it is a good idea to backup
your configuration prior to performing a software update.
Click “Backup (Download) configuration” to retrieve a copy of the current
configuration from the unit. Click “Restore (Upload) Configuration” to upload a
previously downloaded configuration. The configuration files are stored in ZIP
format and do not need to be unzipped prior to upload.
When restoring a configuration file, you have the option of either retaining the
existing IP address and password, OR restoring these parameters from the uploaded
configuration file. Typically both would be left at “Retain” to prevent losing access to
the unit, though if you have a corporate password or IP addressing scheme stored
with the configuration files, it may make sense to select “Override” instead.
If you have upgraded 9sg with RDS after purchase (or any other future options that
may be released), the license key that you receive would be applied here. The MAC
address is also provided in this menu. The factory will need the unit’s MAC address
in order to generate a license key for any upgrades.