The menus and sub-menus to the right of the eight display buttons determine what
will be displayed in any particular window. A detailed description of all possible
displays follows here.
Input Meters
This display shows the level of the incoming audio. If necessary, the action of the
meter can be delayed to match the audio by adjusting the “Delay” control, which is
duplicated for convenience at various places in the display settings menu.
Information about the action of the clipper as well as details about the audio signal
from various patchpoints within Omnia.9sg via an oscilloscope, FFT spectrum
analyzer, and RTA are available from this menu.
The “Clipper” display shows the clipping action and depth of both the main and
the bass clipper. The interaction between the “Clip bass at” and “Never allow
bass above” controls can readily be seen in this display as well.
The “Oscilloscope” display brings up the controls and various patchpoints for the
built in digital, over-sampled oscilloscope. While you’ll find many of the same
controls as a typical ‘scope such as gain and zoom, ours has a few “extra” tricks
up its sleeve like adjustable limit lines and phosphor persistence. Selecting the
patchpoint of interest via the well-labeled menus and sub-menus should be fairly