4.7.7 Activate Failed Disk
It forces the current “failed” disk in the system to be back online.
“Activate Failed Disk” function has no effect on the removed disks,
because a “removed” disk does not give the controller a chance to
mark it as “failure”.
Followings are considered as “Removed-Disk”:
(1). Manually removed by user
(2). Losing PHY connection due to bad connector, cable, back-
(3). Losing PHY connection due to disk fail
Basically, in the eyes of the controller, the disk suddenly disap-
pears due to whatever reason.
4.7.8 Identify Enclosure
To prevent removing the wrong enclosure, the selected Areca ex-
pander enclosure all disks fault LED indicator will light for physi-
cally locating the selected enclosure when the “Identify Enclo-
sure” is selected. This function will also light the enclosure LED
indicator, if it is existed.
4.7.9 Identify Drive
To prevent removing the wrong drive, the selected disk fault
LED indicator will light for physically locating the selected disk
when the “Identify Selected Device” is selected.