controller, please refer to Appendix C, C-3-2 section, "Using
Onboard NIC Installation” on ARC-8050 user manual. If you
need additional information about installation and start-up the
function, see section chapter 3 “ArcHttp Configuration” of
Traps Configuration
on ARC-8050 user manual.
2.6 Hot-plug Drive Replacement
ARC-8050 RAID storage supports the ability of performing a hot-
swap drive replacement without powering down the system. A disk
can be disconnected, removed, or replaced with a different disk
without taking the system off-line. ARC-8050 RAID storage rebuild-
ing will be processed automatically in the background. When a disk
is hot swap
, ARC-8050 RAID storage may no longer be fault
tolerant. Fault tolerance will be lost until the hot swap drive is sub-
sequently replaced and the rebuild operation is completed.
2.6.1 Recognizing a Drive Failure
A drive failure can be identified in one of the following ways:
1. An error status message lists failed drives in the event log.
2. Fault LED illuminates on the front of driver tray if failed
drives are inside.
2.6.2 Replacing a Failed Drive
With our ARC-8050 RAID storage drive tray, you can replace a
defective physical drive while your computer is still operating.
When a new drive has been installed, data reconstruction will be
automatically started to rebuild the contents of the disk drive. The
capacity of the replacement drives must be at least as large as
the capacity of the other drives in the RAID set.