before being sent to the disk drives. Since RAID controller is a
natural central point of all data therefore encryption at this level
is inherent and also reduces deployment complexity. ARC-8050
RAID controller has dedicated electronic circuitry for the cryp-
tographic engine embedded in the ROC and operating at full
channel speeds. The hardware encryption does not impact the
performance of ARC-8050 RAID controller and can implement
on any kinds of HDD that is transparent to the user, the OS, and
Encrypting your volume can give your data an extra layer of
protection be yond setting up a controller password. Encryption
will conceal your volume’s data and make accessing the files
almost im possible for anyone who does not know your encryp-
tion key. Data saved in the volume will be hidden by Algorithm
developed by Areca Technology. With this scramble process, no
one can see and access into the hidden volume data without
access key. ARC-8050 support 128- and 256-bit encryption keys
using AES(a key size of 128, or 256 bits), or password (a vari-
able key size). Each encryption key size causes the algorithm to
behave slightly differently, so the increasing key sizes not only
offer a larger number of bits with which you can scramble the
data, but also increase the complexity of the cipher algorithm.
ARC-1882 adapters provide five new key options in the ‘Full Vol-
ume Encryption:”Disable’, “256Bit key, Password”, “256Bit key,
AES”, “128Bit key, Password”, “128Bit key, AES”. You can gener-
ate the new key by CLI utility or API code function.
This volume encryption function can only work with ARC-1882
series with any kinds of HDD. You can follow below steps to en-
able the function.
1. Create volume set with “Full Volume Encryption” capability in
the web management.
2. Use CLI “vsf genkey” command or API code to generate key
3. Use “Download Volume Key File” in the web management or
use CLI “vsf dlkey” command to download volume key file into
firmware and unlock the volume.
4. Follow step 4. to unlock volume if volume locked.
• Tagged Command Queuing
The “Enabled” option is useful for enhancing overall system