• A supported web browser, which should already be installed on
the Thunderbolt capable computer.
• Install ArcHTTP proxy server on the Thunderbolt capable
computer. (Refer to section 2.4.1 Software Installation)
• Remote and managed systems must have a TCP/IP connection.
• Start-up McRAID Storage Manager from Local
Administration (In-of-Band)
Once ArcHTTP and CLI have been installed, the archttp back
ground task automatically starts each time when you start your
thunderbolt-capable computer. There is one MARID icon showing
on your “Desktop” or “Start” menu. This icon is for you to start up
the McRAID storage manager (by ArcHTTP) and CLI utility. When
you click the ArcHTTP from MRAID icon, it shows all RAID stor
ages available on the host system and create an individual RAID
storage icon located on left column of the “Archttp Configurations”
screen. This RAID storage icon is for user to launch the selected
RAID storage web browser McRAID storage manager.
The “Enter Network Password” dialog screen appears, type the
User Name and Password. Thunderbolt RAID storage default User
Name is “admin” and the Password is “0000”.
• Start-up McRAID Storage Manager Through LAN
Port (Out-of-Band)
ARC-8050 RAID storage now offers an alternative means of com-
munication for the Thunderbolt RAID storage – web browser-
based McRAID storage manager program. User can access the