Maintaining the Forepump
TSQ Quantum XLS and TSQ Quantum GC User Guide
Thermo Scientific
2. Rinse the parts with clean water. Use a clean applicator or toothbrush to remove the
aluminum oxide slurry. Do not let the slurry dry on the metal; dried aluminum oxide is
difficult to remove.
3. Scrub all of the parts with a warm detergent solution.
a. Scrub the parts with a toothbrush or clean applicator. Do not soak or sonicate the
parts in detergent.
b. Using forceps, rinse the parts thoroughly with tap water to remove the detergent.
4. Rinse the parts in deionized water. Using forceps, dip the parts in a beaker of deionized
water. Change the water if it becomes cloudy. Do not soak or sonicate the parts.
5. Rinse the parts with acetone. Using forceps, dip the parts in a beaker of acetone. Change
the acetone if it becomes cloudy. Do not soak or sonicate the parts.
6. Blow-dry the parts immediately. Use clean, dry gas to blow the acetone off the parts.
Maintaining the Forepump
Inspecting, adding, purging, and changing the forepump oil are all that is required to
maintain the forepump.
Forepump oil is a translucent, light amber color, which you must check often. During normal
operation, oil must always be visible in the oil level sight glass between the MIN and MAX
marks. If the oil level is below the MIN mark, add oil. If the oil is cloudy or discolored, purge
the oil to decontaminate dissolved solvents. If the pump oil is still discolored, change it. You
should change the pump oil every 3000 hours (about four months) of operation. Refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation for procedures for purging, adding, and changing the
forepump oil.
Do not leave aluminum parts, such as the heater ring, in the detergent.
Basic solutions, like detergent, discolor aluminum.
If you use ammonia as a chemical ionization reagent gas, change the oil every
month. Ammonia is highly basic and quickly damages seals in the forepump. Purging the
oil with the Gas Ballast Control helps remove dissolved ammonia from the oil.