Instrument Driver Configuration
Foundation Instrument Configuration
Thermo Scientific
Accela 600 and 1250 Pump Hardware Manual
Foundation Instrument Configuration
You can control one or two Accela pumps from the data system computer. A dual-pump
system can contain two Accela 600 Pumps, two Accela 1250 Pumps, or an Accela 600 Pump
and an Accela 1250 Pump. The Accela 600 Pump and Accela 1250 Pump drivers can
recognize and control either pump.
Depending on whether you are adding one or two pumps to your instrument configuration,
follow one or both of these procedures:
Adding Pump 1 to the Instrument Configuration
Adding Pump 2 to the Instrument Configuration
Adding Pump 1 to the Instrument Configuration
To add the pump (or pump 1 of a dual-pump system) to the instrument configuration
1. Connect the pump or pumps to the data system computer.
2. Turn on pump 1 by pressing its power switch. If you have a dual-pump system, turn off
pump 2.
3. Close the data system if it is open.
To increase throughput for a gradient analysis, you can set up your liquid
chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) system in a dual-pump, dual-column
configuration and equilibrate one column while performing sample elution with the other
To alternate columns between consecutive injections, use two instrument methods. In the
first method, pump 1 produces a gradient for sample elution on the first column, and
pump 2 produces a gradient that re-equilibrates the second column. In the second
method, pump 1 produces a gradient for sample elution on the second column, and
pump 2 produces a gradient that re-equilibrates the first column.
Using these alternating instrument methods (along with valve switching) allows for each
injection to run through a separate column and removes the wait time for column
To minimize the gradient delay volume between the eluting pump’s proportioning valve
and the autosampler’s injection valve, place the eluting pump on top of the equilibration
pump. Typically, the eluting pump is designated as pump 1 and the equilibration pump is
designated as pump 2.