ETS parameters
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
This parameter allows you to set the value to which the corresponding lamp is permanently
set in "Permanent" Mode. In the operating mode 'continuous operation' the lamp cannot be
switched or changed, but always lights up in the set value. The parameter is only displayed if
the ECG is set to 'continuous operation'.
Behaviour in Normal / Night Mode (if is
Delayed Switch-Off automatically
Delayed Switch-Off in 2 steps automatically
Delayed Dim-Off automatically
Activate Permanent Mode and Ignore Telegrams
This parameter can be used to set how the corresponding group behaves if night mode has
been activated via the night object. The parameter is only shown if the group is set to "Normal
Night Mode". Special Settings:
Delayed Switch-Off in 2 steps automatically:
- After the set time is set to 50% of the previous value.
- After a further minute, the switch-off value is set.
Delayed Dim-Off automatically:
After the set time, the switch-off value is dimmed within one minute.
Activate Permanent Mode and Ignore Telegrams:
Automatic Switch-Off after (minutes)
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
4 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
90 minutes
This parameter is used to decide after how many minutes the ECG shall be switched off.
Function of Additional Object
No Object
Disable Object
Release Object
Staircase function Disable Object
Use this parameter to set the function of an additional object.
If you select "Disable Object", value 1 disables the operation of the group.
If you select "Release Object", value 1 enables the operation of the group.
If you select " Staircase function Disable Object", value 1 disables only the staircase function.
This can be used to temporarily disable the staircase function for example during cleaning.
Behaviour on Enable
No Change
Switch to On-Value
Switch to OFF-Value
This parameter appears when an additional object has been selected to define the behaviour
when enabled.
Enabled for Panic Mode
Determines whether a group should be considered during panic mode. The panic mode is
controlled via central object number 9.
Value in Panic Mode
1..100% [
Use this parameter to select the value for this operating mode.