Time control
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
Time control
In order to use the colour setting options of DT-8 devices, DALI gateway KNX offers an inte-
grated colour control module. With this module, users can automatically set a defined light
colour for a certain time or date. This function is particularly interesting for white light control.
Changes in colour temperature over the course of a day have a positive effect on well-being and
efficiency in the workplace. Educational institutions, hospitals and many other settings use
daytime dependent white light control. However, the colour control module can also be used for
general time-based colour changes. For example, a building could be lit up in red for the first
half of the night and in blue for the second half.
To create a sequence of different colour settings, up to 16 different templates can be created. A
template combines different actions which perform a value or colour control event at a
configurable time. Select the required template via the dropdown template list.
Use the dropdown on the left-hand side to select a template.
A “tick“ means that the template has already been defined.
Use the description field to enter a user-friendly name for the template. The name can be up to
20 characters long and is displayed in brackets in the dropdown list for information purposes.
You can also define the behaviour of the template: