ETS parameters
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
Automatic Switch OFF
After (min)
1 Minute
2 Minutes
3 Minutes
4 Minutes
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
15 Minutes
90 Minutes
Use this parameter to set the time after which a group in staircase mode automatically
switches off. This parameter is only visible if you select ‘staircase function’.
Function of additional
No Object
Disable Object
Release Object
Staircase function Disable Object
Sets the function of an additional object. If you select “Disable object“, an object appears
which disables control of the group when the value is 1.
If you select “Release object“, an object appears which enables control of the group when the
value is 1.
If you select “Staircase function Disable Object“, an object appears which only disables
staircase function
when the value is 1.
This can be used to deactivate the staircase function for a certain time period, for example
during cleaning.
Behaviour on release
No change
Change to switch-on value
Change to switch-off value
This parameter only appears if an additional object has been selected. Use this parameter to
define the behaviour of the object when enabled.
Enable for Panic Mode
Determines whether the group is to be enabled for panic mode. The panic mode is controlled
via central object No. 7.
Value in Panic Mode
1 %
50 %
100 %
Use this parameter to select the value for this operating mode.
Value on DALI Power Fail
0..100 %