Manual Mode
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
Manual Mode
1 channel device
The DALI gateway S64 KNX has 9 operating buttons and LEDs on the front side, which offer
numerous possibilities for manual control and broadcast and analysis functions.
The buttons and LEDs are accessible without having to remove the cover. During KNX bus
operation and in the absence of any errors, all 9 LEDs are switched off. If the gateway detects
an error (e.g. a faulty lamp or KNX failure), only the LED on the Man. button lights up in red and
flashes quickly. During programming (e.g. during installation) all LEDs light up in red and flash
Activate the manual mode with a long keypress on the button in the bottom right-hand
The manual mode automatically ends 60 seconds after the last time the button has been
If manual mode is active, shortly press the same button again
to toggle between the different
manual mode levels. The RGB LED on the Man. button shows which level you are currently on.
The individual levels have the following meaning:
Manual mode level 1
LED on Man. button lights up permanently in green
Use buttons 1/9 to 8/16 to switch DALI groups 1 to 8. The light value of the group changes
from 100 % (On) to 0 % (Off) each time the button is pressed. The switch status of each group
is shown via the LEDs on the buttons 1/9 to 8/16.
Manual mode level 2
LED on Man. button flashes green
Use buttons 1/9 to 8/16 to switch DALI groups 9 to 16. The light value of the group changes
from 100 % (On) to 0 % (Off) each time the button is pressed. The switch status of each group
is shown via the LEDs on the buttons 1/9 to 8/16.