General product information
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
General product information
2.1 DALI Bus system properties
Systemeigenschaften DALI-Bus
The cross-functional DALI-Bus (DALI = Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a system used
to control electronic ballasts (ECGs) in lighting technology. The specifications of the DALI
communications interface are set in the international norm EN 62386.
The DALI Bus enables the receipt of switch and dim commands. In addition, the DALI can be
used for status information about light values or the notification of a fault such as a light or ECG
Via the connected control device/gateway (Master), up to 64 individual DALI ECGs (Slaves) can
be connected in a DALI segment. When the DALI is commissioned, the ECGs receive an
automatically generated 3 Byte long address. Based on the long address a short address
between 0 and 63 is assigned during the further commissioning process. As the address
assignment is automatic, the device order is random. The individual ECGs/lights therefore need
to be identified during the further commissioning process (see below).
The addressing of individual ECGs in the system is either based upon the short address
(individual addressing) or upon a DALI group address (group addressing). For this purpose, any
number of ECGs within a segment can be assigned to up to 16 groups. The group addressing in
the DALI system guarantees that switch and dim processes of different lights within a system
are performed simultaneously without time delays.
In addition to short and group addresses, the light values of individual DALI ECGs can also be
merged into scenes and addressed via scene addresses.
For a detailed description of the DALI system, please see the DALI handbook a
Product overview
The DALI gateway is available in 2 product variants:
DALI gateway S64 KNX (1 channel gateway KNX)