Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
Enter the values required for the scene into each field.
A brightness level between 0 and 100 % can be selected via a dropdown field.
Shows the colour according to type of colour control for this group. Use the context menu or
simply double-click to open a window to select the colour.
Keep value
In this case the current value remains unchanged when the scene is invoked. The entry field for
the value is disabled. Any entry in the value field is ignored.
Keep colour
In this case the current colour remains unchanged when the scene is invoked. The entry field for
the colour is disabled. Any entry in the colour field is ignored.
To delete an entry, select a group and use drag and drop to move it back to the tree on the
right-hand side.
Alternatively, use the context menu (right click with the mouse) to delete an entry: