ETS parameters
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
Y-value when switching on (0...1)
Defines the Y-colour for switching on.
Behaviour when Switching On
Keep last Object Value
Use ETS Parameter above
Determines whether the last valid colour value or the colour temperature set in the ETS are to
be used.
If you select “Keep last object value“, please remember that the colour set in the ETS will be
used if the object value is invalid.
Colour changing Fading Time
1 Second
5 Seconds
10 Seconds
20 Seconds
30 Seconds
60 Seconds
90 Seconds
Use this parameter to select how quickly you want the colour temperature to change.
The settings for the ECGs are made on two parameter pages, provided that this ECG is defined
as an individual ECG and has not been assigned to a group. The parameters of these pages are
described below.
ECG 1 (2..64)