Funk-Electronic Piciorgros GmbH
V2.71 - Page 35 of 59
By performing a double-click on the link, the application will be started:
Please doublecheck the "IP-port" on the left side of the status bar: It should show the
port number you've specified in the link to the application.
Please use always the link(s) to start the application(s). Do not start the .exe-file
itself as in this case it will not listen on a port for incoming connections from a
Use always different port numbers for each instance of the TCS_Gateway
Don't forget to include the links in the AUTOSTART, so the applications will
automatically restart after a reboot of the PC.
The PC running the TCS_Gateway applications must be in the same IP subnet as
the TCS server and all TGW-100 gateways! Also the firewall must allow
connections between the PC and the TCS server and also between the PC and all