Length (ARP. LENGTH)
Arpeggiator length (1 – 32)
This paramete
um number of notes in the arpeggio. While
apturing, the content of the arpeggio buffer is constantly output in a loop. Every note you play lengthens the
loop until you reach the value set in ARP. LENGTH. If you continue playing, the oldest notes of the loop will be
replaced. An arpeggio loop can contain a maximum of 32 notes.
r specifies the maxim
(Assign, Reverse, Recycle, Up, Down, Up/Down, Random)
Several functions are available for playing an
arpeggio loop:
In the ASSIGN position, the notes are played in the order in which they were captured.
The REVERSE position acts as a stack and plays the notes back in reverse order.
RECYCLE starts by playing the notes in their original order (like ASSIGN). When the end of the loop has been
reached, the notes are played back in reverse order (like REVERSE). This sequence repeats once it has
reached the beginning.
In UP mode, the captured notes are played sorted according to pitch in ascending order, in DOWN mode they
are played in descending order.
UP/DOWN mode combines these two modes.
Finally, RANDOM plays the captured notes back in random order.
Pattern (PATRN)
(1/16thSt ... USER#1...16)
Using this parameter, you can apply rhythmic playback patterns to the arpeggio
loop. The arpeggio will be quantised rhythmically according to the pattern:
Classic arpeggio. Returns the captured notes in a 1/16 staccato.
1/16 notes as above, but legato.
Arpeggio with moderate tempo. Returns the captured notes in a 1/8 staccato.
1/8 notes as above, but legato.
Slow arpeggio. Returns the captured notes in a 1/4 staccato.
1/4 notes as above, but legato.
Very slow arpeggio with half notes (more precisely: 1/4 note values with 1/4 rests).
Arpeggio with moderate tempo. Returns the captured notes as 1/8 triplets.
The patterns BLUES 1 to HOUSE contain rhythmic styles and grooves as factory presets for interesting
groove effects:
Blues rhythm. Especially suitable for bass backing lines.
Variation of BLUES 1 pattern.
AXON AX 100 MKII V. 2.0 (English)