Global Mode
Global Parameters
The global parameters contain all higher-level parameters such as information related to the MIDI channels,
the instrument used, the reference tuning and the input sensitivity of the individual strings. A number of set-
for each instrument that you will be using with the AXON. Check and adapt these
fore using it for the first time. This is essential to ensure that the AXON will work op-
timally with your instrument.
tings can be set individually
settings as necessary be
Global mode can be activated by pressing the GLOBAL button on the front panel of your AXON. The state is
signalled by a red LED next to the GLOBAL button.
Basic Channel
Basic MIDI channel (1 – 16)
Various options are available for sending the MIDI information generated by the
AXON from the vibrations of your guitar strings to the sound module or MIDI instrument. Ideally, a MIDI chan-
nel is assigned to each string (see STRING MODE SEPARATE) This has the advantage of evaluating each
and the value '11' the channels from 11 to 16. '1' is the default value.
string separately. For example, bending a string affects only that string's channel. Otherwise, bending would
affect the pitches of the other strings being played at the same time, an effect that is generally undesirable.
Use BASIC CHANNEL to specify the first of six MIDI channels. All other channels follow automatically in as-
cending order. If you select "1", for example, MIDI channels 1 to 6 will be reserved by your AXON. The value
'5' would assign channels 5 to 10,
AXON AX 100 MKII V. 2.0 (English)