Hold Channel
Hold MIDI channel (1 – 16)
While BASIC CHANNEL reserves six MIDI channels for normal playing, the
HOLD CHANNEL parameter reserves the first of six additional consecutive MIDI channels for Hold effects
nt to ensure that the Basic and Hold channels do
tween the Basic and Hold channels. The default
value for this parameter is 11, thus reserving the MIDI channels 11 to 16.
Sequencer Channel (SEQ CHANNEL)
such as SEPARATE, LAYER and ARPEGGIO. It's importa
not overlap. Ensure that at least six MIDI channels are be
MIDI channel for soundboard drum sequences (1 – 16)
A separate MIDI channel is used for drum se-
quences. Use this parameter to select the channel. Please ensure that the SEQ CHANNEL does not conflict
with the BASIC or HOLD channels and that you reserve a free MIDI channel for the drum sequencer. MIDI
channel 10 is the default setting.
Sequencer MIDI Ports (SEQPORTS)
(MIDI OUT and/or Soundboard)
Here, you can select the outputs to which to send the MIDI signal of the
internal drum sequencer. You can choose between the MIDI Out on the rear side of the AXON and/or the
internal soundboard.
Pitchbend Range (PBEND RANGE)
(OFF, 1 – 24)
Bending and sliding are techniques frequently used by guitarists. Your AXON uses the MIDI
pitchbend command for these effects. As with a keyboard pitch wheel, the pitch of the last note picked is modi-
fied without picking a new note. The value ranges must be adjusted to ensure that the sound module or a
connected MIDI instrument reproduces the pitch changes accurately.
The displayed value indicates the maximum number of semitone steps that can be applied to a pitchbend. Set
this value to 12 (one octave). For bass, we recommend setting the value to 24.
The value OFF disables pitchbend, triggering chromatic semitones when bending or sliding.
AXON AX 100 MKII V. 2.0 (English)