Downloading Data
It is possible to download recorded data by two methods: [Wireless Communication] or
[Optical Communication].
If the computer clock is set incorrectly the time of the downloaded data will also be incorrect. Make sure the
clock settings are correct before starting a downloading session.
When using Wireless Communication
Open [RTR-5W for Windows].
From the Administration Tree, select the Remote Unit from which you wish to
download data, and in the [Data] Menu, select [Download Data].
Specify the
download mode
[Specify the File Name]
The Info for the selected
Remote will be displayed.
Select the Download Mode.
If you wish to save the fi le by specifying the location, click the [Specify File Name]
Button and make Saving Location Settings.
Click the [Download] Button to start downloading.
Once downloading has been completed, select the name of the Remote Unit from the
list and click [Open Graph] to view the data in graph form.
[Cancel Downloading] Button
Use this to stop a downloading session in progress.
Note that if a downloading session is stopped while in progress, the results will NOT be
saved to a fi le.
[Open Graph] Button
Once downloading has been completed, select the name of the Remote Unit from the list
and click [Open Graph] to view the data in graph form.