RTR-5W for Windows Functions
RTR-5W for Windows is designed to allow the user to utilize RTR-51A/52A/53A and RVR-
52A Data Loggers via the RTR-5W Base Station. From the main window it is possible
to carry out the various tasks such as Registrations, Recording and Warning Monitoring
Settings, as well as the Downloading of Data. Management of all devices is carried out
in the application main window out using a tree format with loggers being registered to
Groups and Groups belonging to Locations RTR-5W.
Menu Bar
Setting Contents Info Area
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar contains various menus which contain a variety of commands. The commands
within the menus can be used to display or make settings for the various functions.
Icon buttons appear for the most frequently used commands.
Administration Tree
In the tree all registered Locations (item at the top of each tree list), Groups and Remote Units
can be viewed and managed.
By right clicking on an icon, a menu will appear with commands for that type of unit.
Settings Contents Info Area
By clicking on an icon (Location, Group, Remote Unit), the settings info for that item will be