UNIUM Power Unit
Aseptic Transfer Technique
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 1
Figure 2
The aseptic transfer technique allows a non-sterile
Power Unit to be inserted into UNIUM Handpieces whilst
preserving the sterile barrier in the operating room.
Not submitting a power unit or a battery to a steam
sterilization process after each use will maximize its
lifespan and shorten the turnaround time.
Before using the aseptic transfer technique follow the
cleaning and disinfection instructions of the Power Unit
on page 29. This procedure should be done directly
after surgery.
Inserting the Power Unit
To ensure sterility of the UNIUM Modular Handpiece
(05.001.601) and UNIUM Reciprocating Saw Handpiece
(05.001.611), the non-sterile Power Unit (05.001.602) is in-
serted into the casing of the handpiece by two people,
the scrubbed person and the circulating person:
1. The scrubbed person holds the sterile handpiece.
If the casing cover of the handpiece is not opened, the
same person presses the opening button to unlock it,
turns the “front lid” 180° until it clicks and then pulls the
“front lid” up to open it (Fig. 1–2). This step is marked on
the “front lid” by an arrow and the words “Press” and
“Open”. Ensure that the casing cover is fully opened
(Fig. 3).
2. The scrubbed person places the sterile cover
(05.001.603) on top of the open casing of the hand-
piece (Fig. 4). Check that it is seated correctly. The
scrubbed person must not touch the inside of the
handpiece. The sterile cover helps to guide the Power
Unit into the handpiece and prevents contamination of
the sterile casing by the non-sterile Power Unit.
3. The circulating person carefully guides the non-sterile
Power Unit through the sterile cover (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).
It is important that the circulating person picks up the
non-sterile Power Unit by the handle as shown in Fig. 5.
The same person then presses the Power Unit com-
pletely into the casing to ensure that it is fully seated
(Fig. 6). The circulating person grips the flanges on the
sterile cover and removes it from the casing (Fig. 7).
Avoid all contact with the outer surface of the handpiece
so that it does not get contaminated. Should the non-
sterile Power Unit or the circulating person’s hand come
into contact with the outer surface of the handpiece, it
must be cleaned and resterilized before being used in the
operating room.
Figure 6
Figure 5
Figure 7
• Instruction for Use