Liquid Pressure Setup Screen
Liq Press 1
Displays the channel 1 liquid pressure
Liquid Pressure
Selects the method of liquid pressure feedback for control loops.
Not Installed:
There is no liquid pressure sensor installed. Certain features will not be ena-
bled as they require liquid pressure feedback.
There is a liquid pressure sensor installed and will be used when utilizing rele-
vant feedback loops.
Allows for a user to enter a liquid pressure that can be used for feedback loops
instead of the actual pressure.
Copy From LPT 1
(channel 2 only): Uses the liquid pressure input from channel 1 for chan-
nel 2
Span (editable)
Set the span of the liquid pressure sensor based on a 4
20mA scale, with 4mA being 0 by
default and 20mA will be the span you enter in this field.
Filter Constant
Smooths out input reading before being used or displayed
Ch1 Liq Press I/P Out
Turns on or off the liquid pressure signal output
Span (editable)
Sets the 20 mA output of the liquid pressure signal, with 4 mA being 0 PSI
Ch1 Liquid Pressure
PID (button)
Takes the used to the channel 1 liquid pressure PID screen.