# of Triggers
The system will spray while the start trigger is held high.
The system will spray continuously after the start trigger is held high mo-
mentarily. The spray is stopped by holding the reset trigger momentarily.
Recipe #
This menu allows for the selection of the recipe being used by the controller. This is the
location the operator will change the recipe during operation. This can only be changed
while the system isn
t spraying.
Liquid Pressure SP
Enter the desired liquid pressure. The system will vary the current going to the I/P to
achieve this setpoint. Only used based on certain regulation mode chosen.
Atom Air SP
Enter the desired atomizing air pressure. The system will vary the current going to the I/P
to achieve this setpoint. Only used based on hardware purchased and settings chosen.
Flow Rate SP
Enter the desired flow rate. The system will vary the duty cycle or liquid pressure to
achieve this setpoint. Only used based on regulation mode chosen.
App Rate SP
Enter the desired application rate. The system will vary the duty cycle, or pressure based
on nozzle selection, to maintain the amount of fluid distributed per surface area on a
moving conveyor. The rate of liquid will vary as the line speed varies but the add
on rate
to the substrate will remain fixed. Only used based on regulation mode chose.
Shot Weight SP
Enter the desired weight of each shot, or weight sprayed on each product.
Manual DC Entry
Manually Enter Duty Cycle. Used based on regulation mode.
Start Delay
Enter the time
based delay which occurs between when the system is triggered, and the
nozzles start spraying.
Stop Delay
Enter the time
based delay which occurs between when the system stops triggered, and
the nozzles stop spraying.
Rep Off Period
Repeat Off Period. Only used with Fixed Spray Time or Fixed Spray Distance. This deter-
mines the time spent NOT spraying during the Spray Period. See page 18, FIXED SPRAY
Rep On Period
Repeat On Period. Only used with Fixed Spray Time or Fixed Spray Distance. This deter-
mines the time spent spraying during the Spray Period. See page 18, FIXED SPRAY TIME
Header Config
Enter the desired zone for this recipe. This number will pull the reference flow, spray
width, and nozzle on/off selection from the zone control settings screen and use these
while this recipe is selected.