Alarm Mes-
Potential Fixes
CH1/CH2 App
Rate Alarm
The application rate on channel 1
has deviated outside the user set
tolerance range for the user
specified tolerance time.
Check that the line speed reading is correct on the operating screen
Navigate to Ch1/2 Sensor configuration screen and check that linespeed is
configured correctly
If desired, ensure that the DC PID is in closed loop
Check that SPRAY WIDTH is entered correctly on the Ch1/2 config screen
Check that alarm tolerance time and window are set correctly on the Ch1/2
Alarm Settings page
The duty cycle on channel 1 has
started to drift towards the edg-
es of the nozzles' operable
Contact your Spray Specialist
CH1/CH2 Level
Sensor Alarm
The channel 1/2 level sensor has
indicated a low level for a longer
amount of time than the user
specified tolerance time.
Ensure that the pump/liquid path to supply the tank with the level sensor is
open/plumbed correctly
Check that alarm tolerance time and window are set correctly on the Ch1/2
Alarm Settings page
System Integrity
8) Fault
System integrity flowmeter (1
when compared to theoretical
flow, is not reading an expected
Navigate to the System Integrity screen and look for discrepancies between
the flowmeter readings
Ensure that these readings are reflected correctly on the physical flowme-
ters themselves if accessible
Clean the tip(s) of nozzle(s) attached to the alarming meter(s)
Check that alarm tolerance time and window are set correctly on the Sys-
tem Integrity page
CH1/CH2 Analog
LN SPD not
There is no signal detected com-
ing from the channel 1/2 liquid
pressure sensor.
Check Monitor IO page for a non
error value ( > 3200 and < 65000)
Ensure that the sensor is configured correctly on the Ch1 sensor configura-
tion screen
Check sensor wiring
CH1/CH2 Atom-
izing Air Alarm
The liquid pressure on channel
1/2 has deviated outside the
user set tolerance range for the
user specified tolerance time.
Check system air supply pressure if gauge is present
Check manual valve orientation if present
Navigate to Ch1/2 Sensor configuration screen and check that the sensor is
configured correctly
Check pressure control signal (normally AO3/AO4) on the monitor I/O
screen for a non
zero (4000 or greater) value
Check that alarm tolerance time and window are set correctly on the Ch1/2
Alarm Settings page.