Installation and User Manual
EH-INST-02, Issue 4.0
Page 165
CLI Command Syntax
After invoking the CLI, you can input commands. Each CLI command is submitted to the
EtherHaul device for execution, after which a response is typically returned.
Each command line submitted to the CLI consists of:
A unique command that specifies the action(s) to be performed.
The object type on which action(s) will be performed.
The identifier(s) for the object(s) on which action(s) will be performed.
Zero or more object attributes that typically specify the value or characteristics
for each action.
A CLI command line typically uses the following basic form:
command object <object-id(s)> [attribute-name <attribute-value>]
For example:
11.2.1 Basic Conventions
CLI commands are not case sensitive.
You can abbreviate commands and parameters as long as they contain
enough letters to be distinguished from any other currently available
commands or parameters.
The commands entered from the CLI can apply to the entire system, to a
specific port, or to a specific VLAN.