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Synco™ living Operating instructions
Building Technologies
System overview
Multi-controller RRV934
Receives the flow temperature setpoints of the as-
signed room groups from the central apartment unit
(radio) and controls the flow temperatures accord-
To do this, the controller measures the flow tempera-
tures and controls the wired actuators of the respec-
tive room group.
The precontroller additionally allows for minimum or
maximum limitation of the return temperature.
Radiator control actuator SSA955
The actuator receives the setpoint and the actual value
(provided a room sensor or room unit is present) of the
respective room from the central apartment unit via
radio signal and readjusts the radiator valve accord-
If no room sensor or room unit is installed, the radiator
control actuator uses its own measured value of the
room temperature as the actual value.
Door / window contact wave AP 260
When a door or window is left open, the stroke of the
radiator valves in the respective room is limited to the
current position in order not to waste energy. If the
window is still open after expiration of the set window
airing time, the room operating mode is lowered to
Protection. The function acts on the wire-bound actua-
tors used with the RRV912 / RRV918 heating circuit
controllers and the wireless SSA955 radiator control
Cooling release
Cooling is released based on the respective room operating mode and mixed
outside air temperature. The room may not be in heating mode.
When door and window contacts are open, the central apartment unit can lock
cooling of the respective room.
Cooling is released for individual rooms or for the entire apartment (with cen-
tral cooling).
The setpoint is determined by the current room operating mode (manual or as
per room time switch). The room unit serves as room temperature sensor with
a possible option to adjust the setpoint.
With central cooling (entire apartment) via a common 2-pipe heating/cooling
system, cooling is accomplished using the same components as heating