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Synco™ living Operating instructions
Building Technologies
System overview
Room temperature setpoints
The room temperature setpoints for heating and cooling can be set individually
for each room and for each room operating mode (Comfort, Precomfort,
Economy and Protection).
The room operating mode can be set or change over automatically based on
the respective room time switch.
The room time switch influences heating and cooling.
Separate time switches are available for ventilation and DHW.
Heating control
The central apartment unit collects the heat requests per room group from the
various rooms to deliver the total heat request to the heat generation control-
The unit transmits the information for precontrol of the respective room group,
flow temperature setpoints and the desired minimum or maximum limitation of
the return temperatures to the multi-controller.
In addition, it transmits the actual values of the room temperatures and the
room temperature setpoints to the heating circuit controllers and radiator
control actuators which then calculate the positioning signals required for the
The positioning signals for the multifunctional relays of the heating circuit
controllers / multi-controllers are generated by the central apartment unit.
For room temperature control, the following system components are available:
Room unit QAW910
On the room unit, the required room operating mode can be
selected, the room setpoint temperature readjustment can be
made, and the room timer function can be set. The room unit
also acquires the current room temperature. All data are trans-
mitted to the central apartment unit via radio.
Room temperature sensor QAA910
The sensor acquires the room temperature and sends it to the
central apartment unit via radio signal.
Heating circuit controllers RRV912 and RRV918
The controllers receive the setpoints and actual
values of the various rooms from the central apart-
ment unit (via radio signal) and forward the resulting
positioning signals to the wire-bound actuators.
They also facilitate the direct connection of an apart-
ment pump and of DHW heating.