Descriptions of functions
10.4 Communication via PROFIBUS DP
Operating Instructions, 12/2018, A5E34763375A
In order to terminate the configuration of direct data exchange for the DOs, the telegram data
of the DOs in STARTER must be matched to those in the HW Config and must be extended.
The configuration is made centrally via the configuration of the respective CU.
In the overview for the PROFIBUS telegram, you can access the telegram components of
the drive objects, here DC_CTRL. Select the telegram type "Free telegram configuration"
for the configuration.
Enter the telegram lengths for the input data and output data according to the settings in
HW Config. For direct data exchange links, the input data consists of the telegram
component of the master and the direct data exchange data.
Then set the telegram component in the telegram selection to the standard telegram for
drive objects (in the example: Standard telegram 1), which results in a split display of the
telegram types (standard te telegram extension). The telegram extension
represents the telegram portion of direct data exchange.
Figure 10-28 Display of the telegram extension
By selecting the item "Communication
PROFIBUS" for the drive object "DC_CTRL" in the
project navigator, you obtain the structure of the PROFIBUS telegram in the receive and
send directions.
The telegram extension from PZD3 onwards is the component for direct data exchange.