Descriptions of functions
10.3 Communication according to PROFIdrive
Operating Instructions, 12/2018, A5E34763375A
Alarms or faults are acknowledged using the already known acknowledgment routes.
Transfer possible via interface IF1 and/or IF2
Restriction in the case of shared device
If Shared device is activated, only one of the controllers can receive diagnoses.
Transmission in the case of cyclic communication
For PROFINET, there is a unique assignment of the drive objects to the slots of the cyclic
communication. The diagnostics is issued at the MAP/PAP-submodule.
Transmission in the case of acyclic communication
There is no slot or subslot configured at which diagnostics can be issued.
Faults or alarms that occur are routed along the BICO connections to the drive objects.
Display of error classes according to PROFIdrive
For transfer with PROFINET, the PROFIdrive error class and the extended channel