Switching on the motor after a discrepancy
To switch the motor on again, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the discrepancy.
2. Acknowledge the internal event.
Selected setting
How can the internal event be acknowledged?
Basic Functions via on‐
board terminals
Select and deselect
SS1 (F‑DI =
1 → 0 → 1)
Switch off the
power supply volt‐
age and switch
on again.
Basic Functions via
PROFIsafe and on‐
board terminals
Select and deselect
SS1 (F‑DI =
1 → 0 → 1)
Select and deselect STO
(PROFIsafe control word 1,
bit 0 = 1 → 0 → 1)
Select and deselect SS1 (PRO‐
FIsafe control word 1, bit 1
= 1 → 0 → 1)
Fail-safe acknowledgment
(PROFIsafe control word 1,
bit 7 = 0 → 1 → 0)
Switch off the
power supply volt‐
age and switch
on again.
Extended Functions
via PROFIsafe and Ba‐
sic Functions via on‐
board terminals
Select and deselect
SS1 (F‑DI =
1 → 0 → 1)
Select and deselect STO
(PROFIsafe control word 1,
bit 0 = 1 → 0 → 1)
Select and deselect SS1 (PRO‐
FIsafe control word 1, bit 1
= 1 → 0 → 1)
Fail-safe acknowledgment
(PROFIsafe control word 1,
bit 7 = 0 → 1 → 0)
Switch off the
power supply volt‐
age and switch
on again.
3. Acknowledge the inverter with the "standard" acknowledge signal.
4. Issue an OFF1 command (ON/OFF1 = 0).
5. Switch on the motor (ON/OFF1 = 1).
You have acknowledged the discrepancy message, and switched on the motor again.
6.5 Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
Safety Integrated - SINAMICS G110M, G120, G120C, G120D and SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2
Function Manual, 01/2017, FW V4.7 SP6, A5E34261271B AD