Offline commissioning using STARTER
When you set the safety function parameters offline, you have to download them to the inverter.
Once you have downloaded them, you have to finish commissioning the safety functions
The screens for the safety functions differ from each other slightly depending on whether you
work with STARTER online or offline. Follow the descriptions in this manual in order to set all
of the necessary parameters in line with the requirements of your application (this also applies
when setting the parameters offline).
Setting the safety functions offline
To set the safety functions offline, proceed as follows:
1. Select the safety functions in STARTER.
2. Set the check mark "Copy parameters after download":
3. Set the safety function parameters offline.
When doing this, orientate yourself to the descriptions of the online commissioning
Commissioning tools (Page 104)
4. Once you have finished setting the parameters, save your project by clicking the button.
You have set the safety functions of the inverter offline, and saved them to your PC or PG.
In the next step, you must transfer the settings from your PC or PG to the inverter.
Loading the settings into an inverter using STARTER
Proceed as follows to load the settings from the STARTER project to the inverter:
1. Go online with STARTER and start to download to the inverter using the button
After the download, the inverter signals faults. Ignore these faults, as they will be
automatically acknowledged by the following steps.
2. Select the screen form for the safety functions.
3. Select the button to change the settings.
4. Activate the settings using the associated button.
5.15 Offline commissioning using STARTER
Safety Integrated - SINAMICS G110M, G120, G120C, G120D and SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2
Function Manual, 01/2017, FW V4.7 SP6, A5E34261271B AD