4.5.4 Required I/Os
If an I/O that is required for a functionality is missing, ABT Go / ABT Site indicate
this with a configuration check message.
If the required I/Os cannot be detected, ABT Go / ABT Site prompts with a
message e.g. "Output required Supply air fan speed".
Check if all required I/Os for the selected functionalities are defined. Compare your
defined I/Os with the list of required I/Os per functionality below.
Functionalities not mentioned in the list do not require any specific I/O.
Control Functions
Control Functions
IO required
Always required
Output for supply air fan speed (FanSuSpd)
Output for exhaust air fan speed (FanEhSpd)
Input for supply air temperature (TSu)
Input for outside air temperature (TOa)
Ventilation control
Ventilation control 21y,
air volume flow
Inputs for differential pressure supply air fan (DiffPFanSu) and exhaust air
fan (DiffPFanEh)
Ventilation control 22y,
air duct pressure
Input for supply (PSu) or extract (PEx) air duct pressure
Temperature control
Temperature cascade control
Input for extract air temperature (TEx) or POS8/QMX3 value for room
temperature (TR)
Dehumidification control
Input for extract air humidity (HuRelEx) or POS8/QMX3 value for room air
humidity (HuRelR)
Kitchen hood ventilation
Input for kitchen hood ventilation (KtchVntIn)
Particulate matter control
Input for particulate matter in room (PmR)
Air quality control
Input for extract air quality (AQualEx) or QMX3 value for room air quality
Plant components
Plant Component
IO required
Preheating coil
Electric preheating coil 21y
Inputs for supply air temperature after preheating coil (TSuAfPreHcl) and
preheating coil overtemperature detector (PreHclOvrT).
Output for preheating coil electric (PreHclElPos or PreHclElCmd)
Brine preheating coil 21y
Input for flow temperature preheating coil (TFlPreHcl).
Output for preheating coil pump (PreHclPuCmd)
Earth to air heat exchanger
Output for earth to air heat exchanger bypass command
Outside air damper
Output for outside air damper command (DmpOaCmd)
Energy recovery
Rotating heat exchanger 21y
Output for rotary heat exchanger speed (RotHExgSpd)
Plate heat exchanger 21y,
with bypass damper
Output for heat exchanger bypass damper (HExgDmpBypPos or
Heating coil
Electric heating coil 21y
Input for heating coil overtemperature detector (HclOvrTDet).
Output for heating coil electric (HclElPos or HclElCmd)
Hot water heating coil 21y
Input for frost protection temperature for heating coil (TFrPrtHcl).
Output for heating coil water (HclVlvPos or HclPuCmd)
Cooling coil
Chilled water cooling coil 21y
Output for cooling coil chilled water (CclVlvPos)
DX evaporator cooling coil
Output for cooling coil DX evaporator (CclDxPos or CclDxCmd)
Fire damper
Fire damper 21y, motorized
Input for fire damper feedback (FdpFb).
Output for fire damper command (FdpCmd)
Dehumidifier free-standing
Output for dehumidifier free-standing (DhumFrsdCmd)
Configuring the hardware
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