Side-Power SP 125 Ti Installation And User Manual Download Page 48


SP 75 Ti / SP 95 Ti / SP 125 Ti



2.5.1- 2007



Warranty statement





. The equipment manufactured by Sleipner Motor AS (The “Warrantor”) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service.


. This Warranty is in effect for of two years from the date of purchase by the user. Proof of purchase must be included, to establish that it is inside the warranty period.


This Warranty is transferrable and covers the product for the specified time period.


. In case any part of the equipment proves to be defective, other than those parts excluded in paragraph 5 below, the owner should do the following:

(a) prepare a detailed written statement of the nature and circumstances of the defect, to the best of the Owner's knowledge, including the date of

purchase, the place of purchase, the name and address of the installer, and the Purchaser’s name, adress and telephone number;

(b) the Owner should return the defective part or unit along with the statement referenced in the preceding paragraph to the warrantor, Sleipner Motor AS

or an authorized Service Centre, postage/shipping prepaid and at the expense of the Purchaser;

(c) if upon the Warrantor’s or Authorized Service Centre’s examination, the defect is determined to result from defective material or workmanship, the

equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warrantor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense;

(d) no refund of the purchase price will be granted to the Purchaser, unless the Warrantor is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable

number of opportunities to do so. Prior to refund of the purchase price, Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating

equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains;

(e) warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor, or an authorized Service Centre, and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyone else

shall render this warranty void.


There shall be no warranty for defects or damages caused by faulty installation or hook-up, abuse or misuse of the equipment including exposure to

excessive heat, salt or fresh water spray, or water immersion except for equipment specifically designed as waterproof.


No other express warranty is hereby given and there are no warranties which extend beyond those described in section 4 above. This Warranty is

expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for the ordinary purposes for which such

goods are used, or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligations on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives.


There shall be no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives for injury to any person or

persons, or damage to property, loss of income or profit, or any other consequential or resulting damage or cost which may be claimed to have been

incurred through the use or sale of the equipment, including any possible failure or malfunction of the equipment, or part thereof.


The Warrantor assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages of any kind including damages arising from collision with other vessels or objects.


This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from country to country.

Under constr

Under constr

Under constr

Under constr

Under constr







Sleipner Motor AS (im folgenden “Hersteller” genannt) garantiert bei ordnungs- und sachgemäßer Benutzung des hergestellten Produkts für Material-

und Fabrikationsfehler.


Die Garantie wird für die Dauer von zwei Jahren ab Verkaufsdatum übernommen. Die Garantieleistung setzt voraus, daß ein gültiger Kaufbeleg

vorgelegt wird.


Die Garantie ist übertragbar.


Zur Inanspruchnahme von Garantieleistungen (ausschließlich der unter Abschnitt 5 aufgeführten Fehler und Beschädigungen) ist folgendes erforderlich:

(a) eine detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung, einschließlich Kaufdatum, Kaufort und Anschrift von Installateur, Verkäufer und Kunde.

(b) der Käufer muß das beanstandete Produkt und die detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung an den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner

senden. Der Käufer muß hierbei die Fracht im voraus bezahlen.

(c) wenn die Untersuchung durch den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner ergibt, daß ein Material- oder Fabrikationsfehler vorliegt, wird

das Produkt repariert oder nach Maßgabe des Herstellers kostenfrei ersetzt und an den Käufer auf Kosten des Herstellers gesendet.

(d) der Kaufpreis wird nur erstattet, wenn der Hersteller den Fehler nicht in angemessener Zeit beheben kann. Zusätzlich muß der Käufer eine

schriftliche Bestätigung, ausgestellt durch einen gewerblichen Bootsausrüster, einreichen, aus der hervorgeht, daß die Anweisungen des

Installations-, Service- und Benutzerhandbuches erfüllt wurden, der Fehler jedoch bestehen bleibt.

(e) Garantieleistungen können nur durch den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner durchgeführt werden. Die Garantie wird nicht

gewährt, wenn Reparaturen, Adaptierungen oder Modifikationen am Produkt von Personen ohne entsprechende Befugnis vorgenommen wurden.


Die Garantie wird bei Fehlern oder Beschädigungen durch mangelhafte Installation, Abschleppen des Bootes, fehlerhafte Bedienung oder Benutzung

einschließlich Schäden durch äußere Einflüsse (z.B. große Hitze, Einwirkung von Salz- oder Frischwasser außer wenn das Produkt/ -teil hierfür

vorgesehen ist) nicht gewährt.


Es wird keine weitergehende Garantie als die in Abschnitt 4 beschriebene gewährt. Diese Garantie ersetzt jede andere gegebene Garantie.


Der Hersteller, dessen Angestellte und dessen Repräsentanten sind nicht haftbar für Verletzungen von Personen, die Beschädigung von Eigentum,

Einkommens- oder Gewinnverlust, Unfallschäden oder Folgeschäden jeglicher Art, Kosten die durch den Kauf oder die Benutzung des Produkts

enstehen einschließlich aller möglichen Fehler oder Fehlfunktionen, die durch das Produkt oder Teilen davon entstehen.


Der Hersteller ist nicht haftbar für Unfallschäden oder Folgeschäden jeglicher Art einschließlich Schäden durch Kollision mit anderen Booten oder Objekten.


Diese Garantie spricht bestimmte Rechte zu. Weitere Rechte können von Staat zu Staat unterschiedlich sein.

1.The equipment manufactured by Sleipner Motor AS (The “Warrantor”) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal

use and service.

2.This Warranty is in effect for of two years from the date of purchase by the user. Proof of purchase must be included, to establish that it is inside the

warranty period.

3.This Warranty is transferable and covers the product for the specified time period.

4.In case any part of the equipment proves to be defective, other than those parts excluded in paragraph 5 below, the owner should do the following:

(a) Prepare a detailed written statement of the nature and circumstances of the defect, to the best of the Owner’s knowledge, including the date of

purchase, the place of purchase, the name and address of the installer, and the Purchaser’s name, address and telephone number;

(b) The Owner should return the defective part or unit along with the statement referenced in the preceding paragraph to the warrantor, Sleipner Motor AS

or an authorized Service Centre, postage/shipping prepaid and at the expense of the Purchaser;

(c) If upon the Warrantor’s or Authorized Service Centre’s examination, the defect is determined to result from defective material or workmanship, the

equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warrantor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense;

(d) no refund of the purchase price will be granted to the Purchaser, unless the Warrantor is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable

number of opportunities to do so. Prior to refund of the purchase price, Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating

equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains;

(e) warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor, or an authorized Service Centre, and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyone else shall

render this warranty void.

5.There shall be no warranty for defects or damages caused by faulty installation or hook-up, abuse or misuse of the equipment including exposure to

excessive heat, salt or fresh water spray, or water immersion except for equipment specifically designed as waterproof.

6.No other express warranty is hereby given and there are no warranties which extend beyond those described in section 4 above. This Warranty is

expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for the ordinary purposes for which

such goods are used, or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligations on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives.

7.There shall be no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives for injury to any person or

persons, or damage to property, loss of income or profit, or any other consequential or resulting damage or cost which may be claimed to have been

incurred through the use or sale of the equipment, including any possible failure or malfunction of the equipment, or part thereof.

8.The Warrantor assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages of any kind including damages arising from collision with other vessels

or objects.

9.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from country to country.

Summary of Contents for SP 125 Ti

Page 1: ... d installation et d utilisation I Manuale d istallazione e d uso FI Asennusohje ja käyttäjän käsikirja Made in Norway Sleipner Motor AS 2007 SLEIPNER MOTOR AS SLEIPNER MOTOR AS SLEIPNER MOTOR AS SLEIPNER MOTOR AS SLEIPNER MOTOR AS P O Box 519 N 1612 Fredrikstad Norway Tel 47 69 30 00 60 Fax 47 69 30 00 70 www side power com sidepower sleipner no SP75Ti SP95Ti SP125Ti ...

Page 2: ...uster 10 Utforming av tunnelåpninger 12 Hvordan unngå turbulens rundt tunnelåpninger 14 Forslag til tunnelinstallasjon på seilbåt 16 Tunnel installasjon i glassfiberbåter 18 20 Thruster installasjon Gearhus og motorbraket 22 Oljebeholder og propeller 24 Elektromotor 26 Elektrisk installasjon 28 Kontrollpanel og kontrollkabler 30 Koblingsskjema elektrisk 32 Koblingsskjema 33 Sjekkpunktliste for kon...

Page 3: ... EEC and 93 68 EEC Sommaire F Sisältö FI Asennus ohjeet Tekniset tiedot 4 Suunnittelu ja tärkeitä varotoimenpiteitä 9 Tunnelinasennus Tunnelin keulapotkurin sijoitus 10 Miten muotoilla tunnelin päät 12 Miten välttyä tunnelin vastuksesta 14 Tunnelin asennus purjeveneissä 16 Tunnelin asennus lasikuituveneessä 18 20 Keulapotkurin asennus Vaihteisto ja moottorilaippa 22 Öljysäiliö ja potkuri 24 Sähköm...

Page 4: ...tandard Sidepower tunnel Emax maximum wall thickness when using other GRP steel or aluminium tunnels SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti Thrust kg 75 95 125 A mm 185 185 250 B mm 352 389 398 Cmin mm 200 200 230 D mm 170 170 280 D recommended mm 340 340 560 Emin mm 6 6 7 Emax mm 8 8 10 Motor output kW 4 4 6 6 5 Voltage V 12 24 12 24 12 24 Weight kg 20 31 37 Gear oil capacity ml 70 70 200 Note Emin wall thi...

Page 5: ...e in corrispondenza dell albero dell elica e combinazione di cuscinetto a sfere supporto a slitta in corrispondenza dell albero di comando Staffa del motore SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti alluminio marino Tunnel In vetroresina filata trasversalmente in grosso con tunnel in G R P rowing Sono disponibili a richiesta tunnel in acciaio e in alluminio Elica Elica in kaplan simmetrica a 4 pale in materiale...

Page 6: ...the installer reads this guide to ensure necessary acquaintance with this product The thruster must NOT be installed in compartments that require ignition proof electric equipment If necessary make a separate compartment The electromotor will generate some carbon dust so that any storage compartment must be separated from the thruster to prevent the stored items from becoming dusty dirty If you ar...

Page 7: ...propellaksel skal ikke påføres bunnstoff Ikke påfør gelcoat topcoat eller lignende inne i tunellen Det er bare plasee til ett lag primer og to lag bunnstoff mellom tunellen og propellene Når båten ligger på land har ikke elektromotoren den motstanden den har i vann Motoren bruker derfor ekstremt kort tid før den oppnår ødeleggende høyt turtall Med båten på land unngå hurtig bytte av driftsretning ...

Page 8: garanzia fornita da Sleipner Motor AS Pianificazione dell installazione e precauzioni importanti I Avant de procéder au montage il est important de lire ce guide de montage afin d acquérir les connaissances nécessaires sur ce produit Le propulseur NE DOIT PAS être installé dans un compartiment où l équipement électrique doit être anti déflagrant Si nécessaire le placer dans un compartiment indi...

Page 9: ...olla kokonaan tunnelin sisällä Sähkömoottori sen komponentit liittimet ja muut liitokset käyttökaapeleissa on asennettava niin että ne pysyvät kuivina koko ajan Suosittelemme että vaihteisto ja potkurit maalataan antifouling maalilla HUOM Älä maalaa sinkkejä tiivisteitä tai potkuriakselia Kun vene on maissa käytä keulapotkuria ainoastaan sekunnin murto osia koska ilman vastusta sen kierrosnopeus n...

Page 10: ... tunnel thruster GB A 11 0m B 10 0m A B Pivot point min 1 3Ø Ø m i n 1 3 Ø 3 4Ø 1 1 Ø 30 35 cm min 1 2Ø Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 The Thruster should be as far forward as possible Fig 1 Because of the leverage effect around the boats pivot point it is very important for the thrusters actual effect in the boat to get it as far for ward as possible The relative distance change from the boats pivot poi...

Page 11: ... una variazione proporzionale della spinta effettiva dell imbarcazione Esempio A spinta di 55 kg x braccio di 11 m coppia di 605 kgm utilizzabile per far ruotare l imbarcazione B spinta di 55 kg x braccio di 10 m coppia di 550 kgm utilizzabile per far ruotare l imbarcazione Nella posizione A si ha il 10 di spinta in più utilizzabile per far ruotare l imbarcazione Il propulsore deve essere installa...

Page 12: ...u einem gewissen Grad ebenfalls mit ähnlich positiven Auswirkungen wie eine Abrundung verbunden siehe Seite 20 Fig 1b 1d Tunnel ends Fig 2 Fig 4 Fig 1 Fig 3 GB D R 0 1 x D 10 R 0 1 x D 10 D Rounded tunnel ends will maximize thrust and minimize noise We recommend rounding the tunnel connection to the hull side as much as possible The optimum rounding has a radius of 10 of the tunnels diameter Impor...

Page 13: ...10 del diametro del tunnel L arrotondamento delle estremità del tunnel implica degli importanti vantaggi 1 Le estremità arrotondate del tunnel impediscono la creazione di turbolenze e la cavitazione che viene invece provocata dalle estremità a spigolo vivo del tunnel quando l acqua passa ad alta velocità in tal modo si evita un doppio effetto negativo sulla spinta e sulla rumorosità Figg 1 e 2 La ...

Page 14: ...Rumpf D Prevent drag from tunnel GB Fig 2 Fig 1 Fig 3 A possible problem in sailboats or fast powerboats is that they get a drag from the back face of the tunnel as this becomes a flat area facing the water flow Fig 1 This can also create problems with the thruster spinning passive and making noise while sailing or driving the boat with water being pushed through the tunnel at high speed This can ...

Page 15: ...o per stampare una sagoma di un baffo dalle linee morbide Si rammenti che occorre comunque arrotondare il più possibile le estremità del tunnel per ottenere prestazioni ottimali del propulsore e ridurre al minimo la rumorosità Per maggiori informazioni su come effettuare in pratica tale operazione vedere a pag 20 Prévention des traînées d eau du tunnel F Mahdollinen ongelma purjeveneissä tai nopei...

Page 16: ...ignet um einen zu langen Tunnel und große ovale Tunnelöffnungen im Rumpf zu vermeiden Installation in Segelbooten D Tunnel installation in sailboats Fig 1 GB Min Pos B Pos A Many sailboats have a racing type hull which means that it is very flat bottomed and has a very shallow draft in the bow section It is thereby very difficult not to say impossible to fit a tunnel thruster the usual way at leas...

Page 17: F Molte imbarcazioni a vela hanno uno scafo da regata molto piatto nella parte inferiore e una sezione di prua con pescaggio molto ridotto Pertanto è molto difficile per non dire impossibile montare un propulsore a tunnel nel modo consueto o quanto meno installarlo a prora quanto lo si desidererebbe Fig 1 Tuttavia è possibile installare ugualmente un propulsore a tunnel nella maggior parte dell...

Page 18: eine Polyesterharz Glasfiber Mischung eingefüllt werden Tunnelinstallation D R D Tunnel installation Fig 1 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 2 GB We recommend that a professional does the fibreglass fitting of the tunnel These instructions are only general and do not explain in any way the details of fibreglass work Problems caused by faulty installation of the tunnel are the installers full responsibility Find ...

Page 19: ...nå riktig tykkelse i forhold til skrogtykkelsen NB Forsikre deg om at overgangene mellom tunel og skrog er nøye sammenstøpt På steder en ikke kommer til med vanlige lag med polyester glassfiber matte sørg for og lage en blanding av polyester og glassfiber som fylles i dette Suosittelemme että ammattilainen tekee tunnelin lasikuitutyöt Nämä ohjeet ovat vain yleisiä eivätkä missään tapauksessa selit...

Page 20: ...hen Getriebeschaden führen kann Tunnelinstallation D Tunnel installation GB R D x 0 1 R D x 0 1 D x 0 1 0 15 D x 0 1 0 15 D Fig 1a Fig 1 Fig 1b Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 1d Fig 1c Soften the edges with a radius of 10 of the tunnel diameter Fig 1a or make a slope with a length of 10 15 of the tunnel diameter Fig 1c If this is not possible at least round the tunnel end as much as possible We advice to also ca...

Page 21: ...elin runkoon sillä nämä alueet päästävät veden runkoon mikä ei normaalisti ole vesitiivis ilman näitä suojauksia PS Vältä kaikkea lasikuitutyötä kohdassa mihin moottorilaippa asennetaan sillä se voi aiheuttaa epäsopivuutta ja mahdollisesti vaihteiston vioiuttumisen Tunnelin asennus FI Tunnel installering N Rund av tunnelendene med en radius 10 av tunneldiameter Fig 1a eller lag en skråkant 10 15 a...

Page 22: ...Ti 33 Nm 24 lb ft Getriebe und Motorhalterung D Fitting gearhouse and motor bracket GB 40 0mm 1 57 Ø 11 00mm 7 16 TUNNELS CENTRELINE BOATS CENTRELINE Ø 46 00mm 1 81 Fig 1 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti 28 0mm 1 1 Ø 9mm 0 35 TUNNELS CENTRELINE BOATS CENTRELINE Ø 32mm 1 26 Fig 2 SP125Ti PORT STARBOARD S P Fig 5 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti Fig 6 SP125Ti Fig 7 1 Mark the centreline of the tunnel and the boats centreline SP7...

Page 23: ...oottorilaipan o renkaissa on rasvaa tai öljyä ennen asentamista yhteen vaihteiston kanssa 8 Työnnä vaihteisto tunnelin läpi ja varovasti aseta moottorilaippa ja vaihteisto yhteen 9 Ruuvaa vaihteisto ja moottorilaippa yhteen kahdella mukana tulevalla ruuvilla Fig 7 1 Marker båtens og tunnelens senterlinje på tunnelen SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti Thrusteren må plasseres med girhuslokket på styrbord side for at...

Page 24: ...cheibe Ölvorratsbehälter Propeller D 5 6 3 2 1 4 7 Locktite Fitting oil tank propeller s GB Fig 1 0 2 1 Fit the oil tank above the waterline by at least 20 of the istance from the waterline to the centre of the tunnel This is for ensuring enough overpressure of oil in the gearhouse 2 Fit the oil tube to the tank and fit the feed pipe to the motor bracket Tighten the three tube clamp screws Make su...

Page 25: ...olio nel piede 2 Collegare il tubo dell olio al serbatoio e il tubo di alimentazione nella staffa del motore Avvitare le due viti serratubo Accertarsi che il tubo dell olio non formi delle anse per cui si formino delle bolle d aria che interrompono il flusso dell olio e abbia un angolazione corretta in modo di consentire all olio di defluire liberamente nelil piede 3 Riempire il serbatoio dell oli...

Page 26: ...B 1 Check if the springs for the brushes sit correctly on the brushes see through the metal web around the top of the electromotor 2 Removethe4boltsinthemotorbracket 3 SP75 95 Only Mountthelowerpartoftheflexiblecouplingandtighten the two set screws Insert the rubber ring in this lower part 4 Placethemotorgentlyonthemotorbracket Becareful themotor isheavy SP75 95 Ensurethatthe rubberring goesintopo...

Page 27: ...posizionare il motore in modo che i morsetti dei cavi su di esso siano disponibili per la successiva installazione elettrica 4 Fissare il motore alla staffa con i 4 bulloni e serrarli con una coppia di Fig 1 5 Se si sta installando il motore con un angolo superiore a 30o rispetto alla verticale occorre un sostegno aggiuntivo per il motore elettrico Vedere la figura nei disegni quotati 6 Sollevare ...

Page 28: ...5 CCA SA E 750 CCA Din 1 425 CCA SA E 750 CCA Din 1425 CCA SA E 12V Extr batt 300 A 300 CCA Din 570 CCA SA E 300 CCA Din 570 CCA SA E 350 CCA Din 665 CCA SA E 350 CCA Din 665 CCA SA E 350 CCA Din 665 CCA SA E 550 CCA Din 1 045 CCA SA E 550 CCA Din 1 045 CCA SA E 600 CCA Din 1 1 40 CCA SA E SP 75 Ti 12 V 480 A 550 CCA Din 1 045 CCA SA E 24 V 240 A 300 CCA Din 570 CCA SA E M in Cable dim ension M in...

Page 29: ...alsiasi cosa che non sia l opportuno punto di collegamento Il cavo negativo A viene collegato al morsetto A1 Il cavo positivo B viene collegato al morsetto Bullone ø10mm Serrare con una coppia da 15Nm 11lb ft Installation électrique F Sähkötaulukon selitys Kaikki kaapelipituudet ovat kokonaismitat ja Akun koko on annettu minimi CCA kylmäkäynnistysvirta DIN ei Ah Käytä hitaita sulakkeita jotka kest...

Page 30: ...ROT Positive Spannung für Kontrollpanel Steuerpanel und kabel Control panel and control leads GB D 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 4 Pin 4 Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 4 Pin 3 Pin 2 M 12 or 24V SLEIPNER SIDEPOWER THRUSTER OFF ON ON SLEIPNER SIDEPOWER THRUSTER OFF ON ON Control panel installation All standard Sidepower control panels of 1999 models and later can be used in any combination as well as any two way switching device ...

Page 31: standard dei modelli 1999 e successivi in qualsiasi combinazione nonché due qualsiasi dispositivi di commutazione a due vie installati con un interruttore ON OFF che escluda questo dispositivo È possibile utilizzare tutti i pannelli che si desidera utilizzando connettori a Y opzionali Se si azionano ontemporaneamente due o più pannelli in direzioni opposte l elettronica di comando arresta il pr...

Page 32: ...linen kytkentäkaava FI Koblingsskjema elektrisk N A2 A1 Fuse 9 6 8 1 2 4 5 red grey blue black grey blue brown red 6 1232i Electronic control box Thermal switch Battery 12V or 24V Battery main switch M 4 3 2 1 3 red red black 7 white NB Make sure to not use any electronic interface box delay box older than the 6 1232i ex 6 122x on SP75Ti SP95Ti and SP125Ti ...

Page 33: FI Koblingsskjema N M Thermal switch Electronic interface box 6 1232i A2 A1 4 pin AMP connector On Motor 4 2 1 3 Fuse Battery main switch 1 5 4 2 6 8 9 red grey sig blue sig black red grey sig blue sig brown 3 red Fused inside 1A black 7 white NB Make sure to not use any electronic interface box delay box older than the 6 1232i ex 6 122x on SP75Ti SP95Ti and SP125Ti ...

Page 34: ...eal is present F The zinc anode holding screw is tightened well with thread glue F Anti foulinghavebeenappliedtothegearhouseandpropellerbut NOT on the zincanode or the gearhouse lid where the propeller is fastened F Oil tank is fitted above the waterline as required and filled with gearoil F The brush springs are fitted correctly on the brushes in the electromotor check through the grid around the...

Page 35: ...oimitusta Keulapotkuri Jännite Sarjanumero Toimituspäivä Oikea työntösuunta paneelin nähden Laitteen jännite pyöriessä Käytetty virtakaapeli Tila johon keulapotkuri on asennettu on eristetty pilssivedeltä eikä sisällä mitään näkyvää riskiä tulvaan Muita asentajan mielipiteitä Il propulsore è stato installato secondo le istruzioni contenute in questo manuale e tutti i punti sopra elencati sono stat...

Page 36: ...antiert einen guten Ladezustand und führt zu höherer Leistung des Thrusters da die Spannung am Thruster mehr Rotationskraft im Elektromotor bewirkt Bitte berücksichtigen Sie daß die Leistung des Thrusters stark von der anliegenden Spannung abhängt Diese ist bei gealterten Batterien geringer sodaß die volle Leistung mit neuen Batterien wieder zur Verfügung steht Sicherstellen daß jeweils nur ein Ko...

Page 37: ...nssa aiheuttaa suuria vammoja Älä koskaan käytä keulapotkuria sekuntia kauimmin jollei se ole vedessä sillä tämä voi aiheuttaa suuria vahinkoja sähkömoottorille Jos keulapotkurin työntövoima loppuu vaikka sähkömoottori pyörii on mahdollista että vetojärjestelmässä on ongelmia Tässä tapauksessa täytyy heti keskeyttää sen käyttö ja sammuttaa keulapotkuri sillä sähkömoottorin käyttö ilman potkurin va...

Page 38: ...sser ausprobieren Benutzung von Sidepower Thrustern D Turn boat to port Turn boat to starboard To turn panel OFF To turn panel ON Bow Stern Thruster How to use Sidepower thrusters GB How to use a bowthruster 1 Turn main power switch for the bowthruster on Always turn off the main power switch when not onboard 2 Please take some time to exercise thruster usage in open water to avoid damages to your...

Page 39: hakken og baugen uavhengig av hverandre Båten kan skyves sidelengs og dreies rundt sin egen akse Det er også her fordel å prøve ut systemet på åpent vann Miten keulapotkuria käytetään 1 Käännä keulapotkurin päävirtakatkaisija päälle Sammuta aina päävirtakatkaisija kun et ole veneessä 2 Harjoittele keulapotkurin käyttöä avoimilla vesillä välttääksesi vaurioiden syntymistä veneellesi 3 Käynnistä ...

Page 40: ...ide the boat Glassfibre reinforced lexan propeller for ultimate performance Oil filled gearhouse Changeable zincanode protects gear house from corrosion in seawater SP75Ti SP95Ti Fastening screw for zincanode Zincanode Propeller lock nut Washer Drivepin for propeller Oil drain screw Copper washer seal for oil drain screw 7 4 5 6 1 3 2 7 4 5 6 1 3 2 SP125Ti 1 7 3 4 2 5 6 1 7 3 4 2 5 6 1 7 3 4 2 5 6...

Page 41: ...Controllare la qualità dell olio per ingranaggi nel piede ogni volta che l imbarcazione è tirata a secco Durante la prima manutenzione a terra serrare i bulloni che fissano il piede alla staffa del motore con la coppia specificata per i bulloni v alle pagg 26 Tenere l elica e il piede puliti verniciando con antivegetativa prima di ogni stagione N B non bisogna assolutamente verniciare l anodo di z...

Page 42: ... ok and measure that there is contact through the magnetising spools of each side of the solenoid measure between the red and blue on one side and red and grey on the other side with an Ohm meter If there is no contact between these the solenoid is broken and needs replacing If less than 10 5 V 21V the thruster will not perform at specified effect If one or more brushes are loose has no tension fr...

Page 43: anderen Seite messen Ist zwischen diesen kein Kontakt so ist das Relais beschädigt und muß ersetzt werden Unter 10 5 V 21V erreicht der Thruster die angegebene Schubkraft nicht Falls eine oder mehrere Bürsten locker sind die Bürstenfedern keine Spannung aufweisen ist Motorleistung deutlich reduziert Bewuchs im Tunnel beeinträchtigt behindert die Wasserströmung und reduziert die Leistung beträch...

Page 44: ...llom disse må releet skiftes ut Er spenningen lavere en 10 5V 21V vil thrusteren sunke i turtall og skyvekraften senkes Thrusteren vil ha lav skyvekraft hvis en eller flere børster ikke får trykk fra fjærene Algevekst i tunnelen vil redusere vannstrømmen algevekst på propellen kan redusere ytelsen betydelig Batterilading er nødvendig eventuelt bytt ut defekte batterier Kontroller alle kabeltilkobl...

Page 45: ...clavette En cas de défaillance à l intérieur de l embase nous recommandons de la changer plutôt que de tenter de réparer le mécanisme interne et les roulements Si tel n est pas le cas se procurer des pièces à la bonne tension auprès de votre revendeur La tension à vide devrait être système 12V 12 7V Système 24V 25 4V Si elle est en dessous de 12 3V 24 6V vos batteries ne sont pas en bon état de ch...

Page 46: ...l elettrovalvola misurare con un ohmetro tra il rosso e l azzurro su un lato e tra il rosso e il grigio sull altro lato Se non c è contatto tra questi punti vuol dire che l elettrovalvola è rotta e dev essere sostituita Se la tensione è inferiore a 10 5 V 21V le prestazioni del propulsore non producono l effetto specificato Se una o più spazzole sono allentate non sono messe in tensione dalla moll...

Page 47: ...ttipuolien yli kytkentä solenoidin molemmin puolin mittaa vastus mittarilla sinisen ja punaisen välistä yhdellä sivulla ja punaisen ja harmaan välistä toisellä sivulla Jollei näitten välissä ole kytkentää solenoidi on viallinen ja täytyy vaihtaa Mikäli alle 10 5 V 21V keulapotkuri ei toimi odotetulla tavalla Jos yksi tai useampi hiili on irti ei saa tarpeeksi jännitystä jousesta on suorituskyky ma...

Page 48: ... Käufer eine schriftliche Bestätigung ausgestellt durch einen gewerblichen Bootsausrüster einreichen aus der hervorgeht daß die Anweisungen des Installations Service und Benutzerhandbuches erfüllt wurden der Fehler jedoch bestehen bleibt e Garantieleistungen können nur durch den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner durchgeführt werden Die Garantie wird nicht gewährt wenn Reparaturen ...

Page 49: ...o compiuto da chiunque altro farà decadere questa garanzia 5 Non è prevista alcuna garanzia per difetti o danni provocati da installazione o collegamento non corretti uso cattivo o improprio degli apparati in particolare l esposizione a eccessivo calore a spruzzi di acqua di mare o acqua fresca o l immersione in acqua fatta eccezione per gli apparati progettati appositamente come impermeabili 6 No...

Page 50: ...for electric motor kit 6 0180 12 6 0180 24 18 Com plete flexible coupling 7 1450 7 1450 17 Rubber element 7 1451 7 1451 16 Oil container w ith holder 20 0300 20 0300 15 Oil hose w ith hose clam ps 20 0400 20 0400 14 Com plete m otor bracket 8 0500 8 0500 13 O ring seals in motor bracket 7 1340 7 1340 12 Com plete gearleg 8 0600 8 0600 11 Gearleg bolt 7 1080 7 1080 10 Drive shaft seal 7 1350 7 1350...

Page 51: ...hes for electric motor kit 8 0180 12 8 0180 24 18 Com plete flexible coupling 7 1450 7 1450 17 Rubber element 7 1451 7 1451 16 Oil container w ith holder 20 0300 20 0300 15 Oil hose w ith hose clam ps 20 0400 20 0400 14 Com plete m otor bracket 8 0500 8 0500 13 O ring seals in motor bracket 7 1340 7 1340 12 Com plete gearleg 8 0600 8 0600 11 Gearleg bolt 7 1080 7 1080 10 Drive shaft seal 7 1350 7 ...

Page 52: ...s for electric motor kit 9 0180 12 9 0180 24 18 Com plete flexible coupling 7 1464 7 1464 17 Rubber element NA NA 16 Oil container w ith holder 20 0300 20 0300 15 Oil hose w ith hose clam ps 20 0400 20 0400 14 Com plete m otor bracket 10 0500 10 0500 13 O ring seals in motor bracket 10 1340 10 1340 12 Com plete gearleg 9 0600 9 0600 11 Gearleg bolt 10 1080 10 1080 10 Drive shaft key 10 1440 10 144...

Page 53: ...53 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti 2 5 1 2007 SIDE POWER Thruster systems SERVICE ...

Page 54: ...54 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti 2 5 1 2007 SIDE POWER Thruster systems SERVICE ...

Page 55: ...55 SP 75 Ti SP 95 Ti SP 125 Ti 2 5 1 2007 SIDE POWER Thruster systems SERVICE ...

Page 56: ...ent Tel 44 1364 649 400 Fax 44 1364 649 399 andy sleipner co uk Israel Atlantis Marine Ltd Tel Aviv Tel 972 3 522 7978 Fax 972 3 523 5150 www atlantis marine com atlantis inter net il Italy Saim S P A Assago Milan Tel 39 02 488 531 Fax 39 02 488 254 5 www saim group com Japan Turtle Marine Inc Nagasaki Tel 81 95 840 7977 Fax 81 95 840 7978 www turtle marine com info turtle marine com Malta S D Yac...
