SP 75 Ti / SP 95 Ti / SP 125 Ti
2.5.1- 2007
Warranty statement
. The equipment manufactured by Sleipner Motor AS (The “Warrantor”) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service.
. This Warranty is in effect for of two years from the date of purchase by the user. Proof of purchase must be included, to establish that it is inside the warranty period.
This Warranty is transferrable and covers the product for the specified time period.
. In case any part of the equipment proves to be defective, other than those parts excluded in paragraph 5 below, the owner should do the following:
(a) prepare a detailed written statement of the nature and circumstances of the defect, to the best of the Owner's knowledge, including the date of
purchase, the place of purchase, the name and address of the installer, and the Purchaser’s name, adress and telephone number;
(b) the Owner should return the defective part or unit along with the statement referenced in the preceding paragraph to the warrantor, Sleipner Motor AS
or an authorized Service Centre, postage/shipping prepaid and at the expense of the Purchaser;
(c) if upon the Warrantor’s or Authorized Service Centre’s examination, the defect is determined to result from defective material or workmanship, the
equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warrantor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense;
(d) no refund of the purchase price will be granted to the Purchaser, unless the Warrantor is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable
number of opportunities to do so. Prior to refund of the purchase price, Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating
equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains;
(e) warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor, or an authorized Service Centre, and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyone else
shall render this warranty void.
There shall be no warranty for defects or damages caused by faulty installation or hook-up, abuse or misuse of the equipment including exposure to
excessive heat, salt or fresh water spray, or water immersion except for equipment specifically designed as waterproof.
No other express warranty is hereby given and there are no warranties which extend beyond those described in section 4 above. This Warranty is
expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for the ordinary purposes for which such
goods are used, or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligations on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives.
There shall be no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives for injury to any person or
persons, or damage to property, loss of income or profit, or any other consequential or resulting damage or cost which may be claimed to have been
incurred through the use or sale of the equipment, including any possible failure or malfunction of the equipment, or part thereof.
The Warrantor assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages of any kind including damages arising from collision with other vessels or objects.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from country to country.
Under constr
Under constr
Under constr
Under constr
Under constr
Sleipner Motor AS (im folgenden “Hersteller” genannt) garantiert bei ordnungs- und sachgemäßer Benutzung des hergestellten Produkts für Material-
und Fabrikationsfehler.
Die Garantie wird für die Dauer von zwei Jahren ab Verkaufsdatum übernommen. Die Garantieleistung setzt voraus, daß ein gültiger Kaufbeleg
vorgelegt wird.
Die Garantie ist übertragbar.
Zur Inanspruchnahme von Garantieleistungen (ausschließlich der unter Abschnitt 5 aufgeführten Fehler und Beschädigungen) ist folgendes erforderlich:
(a) eine detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung, einschließlich Kaufdatum, Kaufort und Anschrift von Installateur, Verkäufer und Kunde.
(b) der Käufer muß das beanstandete Produkt und die detaillierte Fehlerbeschreibung an den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner
senden. Der Käufer muß hierbei die Fracht im voraus bezahlen.
(c) wenn die Untersuchung durch den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner ergibt, daß ein Material- oder Fabrikationsfehler vorliegt, wird
das Produkt repariert oder nach Maßgabe des Herstellers kostenfrei ersetzt und an den Käufer auf Kosten des Herstellers gesendet.
(d) der Kaufpreis wird nur erstattet, wenn der Hersteller den Fehler nicht in angemessener Zeit beheben kann. Zusätzlich muß der Käufer eine
schriftliche Bestätigung, ausgestellt durch einen gewerblichen Bootsausrüster, einreichen, aus der hervorgeht, daß die Anweisungen des
Installations-, Service- und Benutzerhandbuches erfüllt wurden, der Fehler jedoch bestehen bleibt.
(e) Garantieleistungen können nur durch den Hersteller oder einen autorisierten Servicepartner durchgeführt werden. Die Garantie wird nicht
gewährt, wenn Reparaturen, Adaptierungen oder Modifikationen am Produkt von Personen ohne entsprechende Befugnis vorgenommen wurden.
Die Garantie wird bei Fehlern oder Beschädigungen durch mangelhafte Installation, Abschleppen des Bootes, fehlerhafte Bedienung oder Benutzung
einschließlich Schäden durch äußere Einflüsse (z.B. große Hitze, Einwirkung von Salz- oder Frischwasser außer wenn das Produkt/ -teil hierfür
vorgesehen ist) nicht gewährt.
Es wird keine weitergehende Garantie als die in Abschnitt 4 beschriebene gewährt. Diese Garantie ersetzt jede andere gegebene Garantie.
Der Hersteller, dessen Angestellte und dessen Repräsentanten sind nicht haftbar für Verletzungen von Personen, die Beschädigung von Eigentum,
Einkommens- oder Gewinnverlust, Unfallschäden oder Folgeschäden jeglicher Art, Kosten die durch den Kauf oder die Benutzung des Produkts
enstehen einschließlich aller möglichen Fehler oder Fehlfunktionen, die durch das Produkt oder Teilen davon entstehen.
Der Hersteller ist nicht haftbar für Unfallschäden oder Folgeschäden jeglicher Art einschließlich Schäden durch Kollision mit anderen Booten oder Objekten.
Diese Garantie spricht bestimmte Rechte zu. Weitere Rechte können von Staat zu Staat unterschiedlich sein.
1.The equipment manufactured by Sleipner Motor AS (The “Warrantor”) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal
use and service.
2.This Warranty is in effect for of two years from the date of purchase by the user. Proof of purchase must be included, to establish that it is inside the
warranty period.
3.This Warranty is transferable and covers the product for the specified time period.
4.In case any part of the equipment proves to be defective, other than those parts excluded in paragraph 5 below, the owner should do the following:
(a) Prepare a detailed written statement of the nature and circumstances of the defect, to the best of the Owner’s knowledge, including the date of
purchase, the place of purchase, the name and address of the installer, and the Purchaser’s name, address and telephone number;
(b) The Owner should return the defective part or unit along with the statement referenced in the preceding paragraph to the warrantor, Sleipner Motor AS
or an authorized Service Centre, postage/shipping prepaid and at the expense of the Purchaser;
(c) If upon the Warrantor’s or Authorized Service Centre’s examination, the defect is determined to result from defective material or workmanship, the
equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warrantor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense;
(d) no refund of the purchase price will be granted to the Purchaser, unless the Warrantor is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable
number of opportunities to do so. Prior to refund of the purchase price, Purchaser must submit a statement in writing from a professional boating
equipment supplier that the installation instructions of the Installation and Operation Manual have been complied with and that the defect remains;
(e) warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor, or an authorized Service Centre, and any attempt to remedy the defect by anyone else shall
render this warranty void.
5.There shall be no warranty for defects or damages caused by faulty installation or hook-up, abuse or misuse of the equipment including exposure to
excessive heat, salt or fresh water spray, or water immersion except for equipment specifically designed as waterproof.
6.No other express warranty is hereby given and there are no warranties which extend beyond those described in section 4 above. This Warranty is
expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for the ordinary purposes for which
such goods are used, or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligations on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives.
7.There shall be no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives for injury to any person or
persons, or damage to property, loss of income or profit, or any other consequential or resulting damage or cost which may be claimed to have been
incurred through the use or sale of the equipment, including any possible failure or malfunction of the equipment, or part thereof.
8.The Warrantor assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages of any kind including damages arising from collision with other vessels
or objects.
9.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from country to country.