Place the YZ car onto the gantry
For the next step, place a clamp directly on either side of one of the end plates. This will keep it from moving
while you mount the YZ car.
Remove the lower wheels from the YZ car (front and back view shown here) and set them aside.
With the lower wheels removed,
place the YZ car onto the gantry.
The upper wheels will rest on the v-
rail on the top of the gantry beam.
Replace the lower wheels
To fit the lower wheels back onto the YZ car, tilt the entire assembly back towards you so that the bottom
of the YZ car plate is pulled 1-2” away from the beam.
Notice the marks on the face of the lower wheels. The wheels are
, meaning that they are
mounted onto an off-center threaded stud. Place the wheels back into the holes on the YZ car plate so
that they are pointed straight up (12 o clock position). This places them in the “lowest” possible position
and allows for maximum adjustment later on.
Loosely thread the nuts back onto the wheel studs
Tilt the plate back towards the beam until the lower wheels are straddling the v-rail.
Assemble Your Shopbot PRS Gantry Tool 2015 02 27.Docx
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